Gaspar Terrot Sculpture by Bertrand Gregoire

Sculpture - Aluminium, 24.4x6.7 in
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Seller Bertrand Gregoire

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Aluminium / Metals on Aluminium
  • Dimensions Height 24.4in, Width 6.7in / 4.80 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $1,000 Pop Art Motorcycle
Fonte d'aluminium, bidon, pièces mécaniques About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Aluminium Sculpture technique using aluminium,[...]
Fonte d'aluminium, bidon, pièces mécaniques

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Automatically translated
Bertrand Gregoire, a contemporary French sculptor, weaves a poignant narrative in his PETROLEUM collection, breathing life into sculptures that serve as a nostalgic testament to[...]

Bertrand Gregoire, a contemporary French sculptor, weaves a poignant narrative in his PETROLEUM collection, breathing life into sculptures that serve as a nostalgic testament to the bygone era of oil and consumerism. Rooted in the memories of his mechanic grandfather's workshop, Gregoire's work anticipates the fading echoes of a golden age, capturing the essence of a time marked by industry and consumer culture.

In the PETROLEUM collection, Gregoire seamlessly blends elements of recovery and creation in the tradition of ready-mades. He artfully combines diversion techniques and foundry practices, coalescing mechanical parts and used cans into sculptures that embody both craftsmanship and a subtle commentary on our relationship with the material world.

Drawing inspiration from the rich iconography of comics and cinema, Gregoire's sculptures give life to comical and endearing personalities. These characters, shaped from cast metal, seem to draw their expressions from the very nature of the raw materials—creating a textured and chromatic universe. In this artistic space, a sensitivity to the essence of metal blossoms, emanating from the sculptures like a delicate flower.

The PETROLEUM collection serves as a visual and tactile exploration of the artist's personal and cultural heritage. Gregoire pays homage to the workshop memories of his mechanic grandfather, using his craft to resurrect and immortalize the golden age of oil and consumerism. Through the fusion of diverse elements, from mechanical parts to discarded cans, he constructs a narrative that is both an homage to the past and a reflection on the ever-evolving nature of our societal relationship with materials.

See more from Bertrand Gregoire

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