the sounding of the labia #3 (2014) コラージュ Benna G. Maris によって

紙のコラージュ, 15.8x11.8 in

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the sounding of the labia #3, 2014 Series of 4 artworks. Collage and mixed technique on packing paper, 40 x 30 cm, ed. 3 «The title puns with The Silence of the Lambs movie. The series originated from an observation on the mainstream female singers, which voice sexiness is adamantly and scientifically recorded with perfect means[...]
the sounding of the labia #3, 2014
Series of 4 artworks. Collage and mixed technique on packing paper, 40 x 30 cm, ed. 3

«The title puns with The Silence of the Lambs movie. The series originated from an observation on the mainstream female singers, which voice sexiness is adamantly and scientifically recorded with perfect means by their producers to exploit that magic appeal on the public.»



B E N N A     G A E A N     M A R I S - Interdisciplinary alien being exhibiting on planet Earth with the purpose to raise awareness among terrestrials about human, social, metaphysical and environmental issues.[...]

B E N N A     G A E A N     M A R I S - Interdisciplinary alien being exhibiting on planet Earth with the purpose to raise awareness among terrestrials about human, social, metaphysical and environmental issues. - 6th Artist's Book Biennial, 2023 - Procida, Italy ; Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Arts 2022 - Tirana Art Gallery - Tirana, Albania ; Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2022, Gongju City, Korea ; Metaverse Biennale 2022, Bur Dubai, UAE / Internet ; The Wrong n.5 Biennale of Digital Arts, internet, 2022 ; Šiluva Art Biennial - Touched Land, 2021 - Pilgrim Center, Šiluva, Lithuania ; MADATAC XI - Biennial of New Media Arts 2020 - NH Eurobuilding, Madrid, Spain ; BIENALSUR 2019 - Latin America Biennale - Various venues, Argentina / Brazil / Guatemala ; Triennale della Fotografia Italiana 2017 - Armenians Palace, Venezia, Italy - 3éme Biennale Méditerranéenne d’Art Contemporain d'Oran, 2014 - Oran, Algeria

Benna G. Marisからもっと見る

紙のコラージュ | 15.8x11.8 in
写真撮影 | 19.7x19.7 in
紙のインク | 14.2x14.2 in

