Wall art "Despair" (2018) Design da Bek Ali (Bekmade)


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Venditore Bek Ali (Bekmade)

Licenza digitale

Quest'immagine è disponibile per lo scaricamento con una licenza.

33,00 USD
130,00 USD
271,00 USD
Risoluzione massima: 886 x 1710 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Bek Ali (Bekmade)

  • Opera d'arte originale Design, Mobili / Gioielli
  • Dimensioni Altezza 29,9in, Larghezza 15,8in
  • Categorie Designs sotto i 5.000 USD Arte concettuale
I do not remember what day it was, what month it was, but I remember clearly that during the creation of this work, the state of my inner world was very empty. I was saved only by the creation of something. From this something came this work, which I am proud of. It absorbs like a sponge all the spiritual experiences. This work was and[...]
I do not remember what day it was, what month it was, but I remember clearly that during the creation of this work, the state of my inner world was very empty. I was saved only by the creation of something.
From this something came this work, which I am proud of. It absorbs like a sponge all the spiritual experiences.
This work was and remains only in a single copy.
Before sending, I will leave my initials on the back.
I hope this picture will help the future owner as well as me.

This art is made of real modified concrete and true rust. Equipped with everything necessary for installation on the wall. In addition to the wall, you can simply put it on the floor resting on the wall.

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Tradotto automaticamente
I am a multidisciplinary artist-sculptor who is always looking for new ways to express my creative energy. I do not adhere to a specific style, as I believe that the creative process should be free and[...]

I am a multidisciplinary artist-sculptor who is always looking for new ways to express my creative energy.
I do not adhere to a specific style, as I believe that the creative process should be free and unrestricted.
I do not describe my works because I believe that each viewer can see something of their own in them, based on their life experience and perception of the world.
I do not wish to impose my opinion on the viewer and instead, I let them see what they should see in the work.

Inspiration for me does not have specific sources - I use what seems interesting to me at the moment.
Despite this, I am grateful for everything that surrounds me.
I hope you will find something interesting for yourself in my work.

Thank you for your attention!

Vedere più a proposito di Bek Ali (Bekmade)

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Su richiesta
Calcestruzzo su Altro substrato | 16,9x35 in
2.429 USD
Scultura - Calcestruzzo | 16,9x18,5 in
2.365 USD
Scultura - Calcestruzzo | 29,5x15,8 in
2.530 USD


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