The origin of Gorogly (2015) Pittura da Azat Myradov

Venditore Artlar

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Olio su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 78,7in, Larghezza 137,8in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera è in ottime condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Impressionismo Ritratto
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio Vernice composta da pigmenti legati con olio di lino o garofani. La tecnica tradizionale[...]
Artista rappresentato da Artlar
Azat Myradov is an artist from Turkmenistan who specializes in painting and . He was born in 1979 and graduated from the Mary Special School named after Yolaman Khummaev in the department of painting in 1998.[...]

Azat Myradov is an artist from Turkmenistan who specializes in painting and . He was born in 1979 and graduated from the Mary Special School named after Yolaman Khummaev in the department of painting in 1998. After graduated the Turkmen State Institute of Culture in 2004. Azat Myradov's works have been exhibited in various galleries and museums in Turkmenistan, as well as in other countries such as Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. His art is known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs, often drawing inspiration from traditional Turkmen motifs and symbols. In addition to his artistic pursuits, Azat Myradov also teaches at the State Academy of arts of Turkmenistan and is a member of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan.

Vedere più a proposito di Azat Myradov

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Olio su Tela | 31,5x19,7 in
1.720 USD
Olio su Tela | 15,8x9,8 in
589 USD
Olio su Tela | 35,4x9,8 in
1.236 USD
Olio su Tela | 78,7x78,7 in
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