cold sea during a hot day (2023) Painting by Aurélie Belleveau

Gouache on Paper, 11.7x8.3 in
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Seller Aurélie Belleveau

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Gouache on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11.7in, Width 8.3in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000
This painting encapsulates the essence of a hot summer day in Italy, where nature's elements harmonize in a captivating composition. It invites us to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin, to listen to the gentle whispers of the breeze, and to be mesmerized by the interplay of light and shadows. Through this artwork, the artist celebrates[...]
This painting encapsulates the essence of a hot summer day in Italy, where nature's elements harmonize in a captivating composition. It invites us to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin, to listen to the gentle whispers of the breeze, and to be mesmerized by the interplay of light and shadows.

Through this artwork, the artist celebrates the captivating beauty of nature and invites us to find solace and inspiration in the serene landscapes of Italy. It is a visual symphony that transports us to the heart of a hot summer day, where water, hills, and sky unite in a symphony of colors, textures, and sensations.
Aurélie Belleveau, a prodigious talent, was born in a quaint Italian village. Immersed in the rustic charm of her surroundings from an early age, she discovered an innate passion for art, using painting as[...]

Aurélie Belleveau, a prodigious talent, was born in a quaint Italian village. Immersed in the rustic charm of her surroundings from an early age, she discovered an innate passion for art, using painting as her medium of self-expression. The idyllic landscapes and cultural heritage of her Italian upbringing infused her artistic sensibilities with a distinct flavor.

At a mere fifteen years old, Aurélie completed her studies at a small art school nestled within the heart of an Italian village. This hidden gem became the crucible of her artistic development, nurturing her technical skills and her unique artistic voice. Under the guidance of dedicated mentors, she honed her craft, gradually emerging as a promising talent within the local artistic community.

Fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unrelenting curiosity, Aurélie embarked on an adventurous journey to the United States. Driven by her burning desire to expand her artistic horizons, she sought further education, ultimately achieving a Ph.D. in sociology. The fusion of her Italian heritage and the diverse cultural influences encountered during her academic pursuits infused her artwork with depth, cultural resonance, and a nuanced understanding of the human experience.

Aurélie Belleveau's art captivates audiences with its unique blend of Italian inspiration and cross-cultural perspectives. Her vibrant and evocative compositions reflect the beauty of her Italian upbringing while exploring universal themes of emotion, identity, and human connection. Exhibiting her work in intimate galleries, she has garnered recognition for her ability to evoke powerful emotions and create captivating narratives through her brushstrokes.

See more from Aurélie Belleveau

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Gouache on Paper | 11.7x8.3 in
Gouache on Paper | 11.7x8.3 in
Gouache on Paper | 8.3x11.7 in
Gouache on Paper | 11.7x8.3 in


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