BETH (1976) Pittura da Arthur Benjamins

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Venditore Arthur Benjamins

Beth. June 15th, 1976 A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Acrilico Dipingi usando pigmenti tradizionali mescolati con resine[...]
Beth. June 15th, 1976

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Dutch-born Arthur Benjamins achieved acclaim in the UK and countries as far as Japan and Australia with his motor racing art. He pioneered the use of enamel paints, which no other artist had ever[...]

Dutch-born Arthur Benjamins achieved acclaim in the UK and countries as far as Japan and Australia with his motor racing art. He pioneered the use of enamel paints, which no other artist had ever attempted in motor racing art. His colorfully trademark photo-realistic style caught the attention of the media and public. His use of photo realism by motoring artists since 1983 began to be widely copied.

He became extremely active in Land-and-Water speed record breaking art, resulting in having painted a wide range of book covers on the subject. His work has appeared as limited edition prints, countless newspapers and magazine articles. He has also appeared on national television.

He is completely self taught, which enabled him to explore his visions without rigid guidelines set by specific tuition.

He pioneered “Abstract Iconography”, where known and lesser-known iconic images are guided into a form of minimalism, a heartbeat away from abstraction. This also embraces portraits of musicians, actors, politicians, artists and racing drivers.

He has also totally revived “Neoplasticism” which fell quiet in 1944 when Dutchman Piet Mondrian died in New York. Benjamins has taken over this baton and his own style has cast a new spell on this entire movement. Again, with the use of texture and specific colors, he partially maintains the edict of Mondrian's strict ethos, balancing it with his own

Like his Dutch expatriate predecessors, Willem de Kooning and Piet Mondrian, who settled in the USA, Arthur Benjamins plans to follow in their footsteps and leave his own indelible mark in the world of art.

His first of many USA exhibition was in 2014, and in this short while, his work has begun to move into the hearts and minds of a great many Americans.

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