THE FREE SPIRIT (2020) Painting by Arindam Biswas

Acrylic on Canvas, 30x26 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 5 collections
"THE FREE SPIRIT" The intent of this painting is to take advantage of the royal architecture to bring in the majestic phase of a horse were horse has been evolved over the past centuries from a small multi toed creature into a large single toed animal today. Horse has been used in warfare for most of recorded history. The horse[...]

The intent of this painting is to take advantage of the royal architecture to bring in the majestic phase of a horse were horse has been evolved over the past centuries from a small multi toed creature into a large single toed animal today. Horse has been used in warfare for most of recorded history. The horse with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remain humble enough to carry a man upon his back.
Arindam Biswas, a contemporary Indian artist, comes from the culturally vibrant city of Kolkata, India. After achieving top honors in his Master’s Degree from GCAC, he embarked[...]

Arindam Biswas, a contemporary Indian artist, comes from the culturally vibrant city of Kolkata, India. After achieving top honors in his Master’s Degree from GCAC, he embarked on a journey to turn his passion for creativity into a thriving profession as a freelance artist.

Drawing inspiration from the contemporariness and versatility of Satyajit Ray, as well as the style and elegance of M.F. Hussain, Arindam's artistic endeavors traverse various mediums. His portfolio showcases a diverse range of work, spanning from classic oil paintings and traditional watercolors to modern illustrations and rapid sketches.

Arindam's artistic pursuits extend across commissioned assignments and personal projects, demonstrating his ability to adapt and excel in different creative domains. With a keen eye for innovation and a deep appreciation for both traditional and contemporary art forms, he continues to captivate audiences with his unique blend of creativity and skill.

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