GIRL WITH HAT (2022) Painting by Antonella Preti

Acrylic on Canvas, 23.6x23.6 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 23.6in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative
GIRL WITH HAT (Ragazza con Cappello) appartiene ad una serie di opere denominate"Full Immersion in an Abstract World".Eseguita su tela juta grezza preventivamente trattata con intonaco e successivamente dipinta con colori acrilici.Forme e linee geometriche sono presenti anche in quest'opera..Versione tesa all'essenziale,architetture[...]
GIRL WITH HAT (Ragazza con Cappello) appartiene ad una serie di opere denominate"Full Immersion in an Abstract World".Eseguita su tela juta grezza preventivamente trattata con intonaco e successivamente dipinta con colori acrilici.Forme e linee geometriche sono presenti anche in quest'opera..Versione tesa all'essenziale,architetture mantenute con una visione minimalista che permette di concentrarsi sul soggetto centrale rappresentato dalla figura femminile. Contrasti chiaroscurali e cromatismi dai toni forti e contrastanti..La figura femminile indossa una camicia maschile bianca un cappello sbarazzino ed è rafforzata da ombreggiature .Dietro di lei un pannello dai forti contrasti cromatici ne fa risaltare la figura. E' senza lineamenti (caratteristica delle opere dell'artista) a significare la totalità del genere femminile e volta alla libertà di interpretazione da parte dell'osservatore..
...L'opera è fornita intelaiata con adeguate attaccaglie. Firmata sul retro, autentica fornita a parte.

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Antonella Preti is a contemporary Italian painter. Her artistic exploration is marked by an exquisite duality, directing her pictorial research into two distinct and captivating[...]

Antonella Preti is a contemporary Italian painter. Her artistic exploration is marked by an exquisite duality, directing her pictorial research into two distinct and captivating realms. The first, aptly termed "GEOMETRIC CHROMATISM," emerges as a vibrant testament to the energy and precision that defines Antonella's artistic vision. Here, she skillfully employs bright, expressive colors to craft well-defined, regular, and clear geometric spaces that transcend mere physical dimensions. These spaces become a canvas for the mind and soul, invoking a harmonious chromatic kaleidoscope through the superimposition of geometric shapes. The resulting artworks are a testament to the artist's rigorous dedication, offering viewers a visually captivating journey into the realm of geometry and color.

The other facet of Antonella's artistic pursuit can be described as "FIGURATIVE-PERSPECTIVE," a realm where abstract geometries find a new stylistic path. In this dimension, geometric shapes evolve into metaphysical explorations, where the interplay of shape, color, and lines generates illusions of light and movement. Here, lines both attract and repel, inviting viewers to uncover the secrets of spatial discovery.

Within these intricate interior spaces, figures emerge, faces shrouded in mystery, yet bearing profound and unmistakable expressive characterizations. Antonella's artistry shines through in her meticulous study of attitudes and postures, bringing her subjects to life with an undeniable intensity. Her love for geometry is ever-present, not just in the visual elements but also in the garments of her figures, which resemble precious mosaics, characterized by vibrant chromatic pieces.

As she weaves her artistic narratives, Antonella expertly navigates the chiaroscuro perspective space, where heightened linearity and striking contrasts between white walls and black floors and ceilings define the narrative. Her artistic craftsmanship transforms these spaces into expansive, multi-dimensional interiors, reminiscent of the work of a masterful designer. The result is a testament to her creative prowess, breathing life into her canvases and leaving viewers captivated by the intricate dance between geometry, color, and metaphysical exploration.

Antonella Preti's art is a celebration of contrast and convergence, where the rigidity of geometric form merges seamlessly with the fluidity of figurative expression. Her work invites viewers on a mesmerizing journey through the corridors of the mind, exploring the boundless possibilities that art offers in the realm of perception, dimension, and emotional resonance.

See more from Antonella Preti

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Acrylic on Wood | 13.8x13.8 in
Acrylic on Fabric | 31.5x31.5 in
Acrylic on Fabric | 23.6x23.6 in
Acrylic on Other substrate | 13.6x13.6 in


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