P0047T (2021) Digital Arts by Anton Pustovalov

Digital Arts, 27.6x21.7 in
Price: Free Shipping

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Seller Anton Pustovalov

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Metaphysical painting, glitch-core, destructive digital painting, by Anton Pustovalov. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Digital Painting [...]
Metaphysical painting, glitch-core, destructive digital painting, by Anton Pustovalov.

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Anton Dmitrievich Pustovalov is a experimental generative artist hailing from Russia. Born on April 25, 1981, in the city of Barnaul, he grew up surrounded by the magnificent landscapes of the Altai Territory. Anton[...]

Anton Dmitrievich Pustovalov is a experimental generative artist hailing from Russia. Born on April 25, 1981, in the city of Barnaul, he grew up surrounded by the magnificent landscapes of the Altai Territory.

Anton Pustovalov's artistic journey began at Altai State University, where he pursued a degree in History. However, it was his passion for art and technology that eventually led him to explore the realm of generative digital art.

Known for his unique approach, Anton Pustovalov employs a meticulous technique in his creative process. He starts with a single image and gradually adds layers upon layers, ranging from 20 to 100, to convey his profound emotional message. Each layer contributes to the overall aesthetic, resulting in captivating and thought-provoking pieces.

In addition to his work as a generative artist, Pustovalov is also a talented composer and filmmaker. He is one of the co-founders of the ONER music project, where he merges his passion for music with his visual artistry. Furthermore, Pustovalov has gained recognition as a film director through his acclaimed short film series, 'Kolyan, Come Out!', which delves into the lives of hardworking individuals from the village of Boduny.

Anton Pustovalov's art is a captivating fusion of technology, creativity, and emotion. Through his works, he aims to create what he envisions, capturing the essence of his artistic vision and inviting viewers to interpret and experience the depth of his compositions.

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