fiocco di neve - String Art (2021) Textile Art by Anna Belmonte

Textile Art on Wood, 23.6x23.6 in
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Seller Anna Belmonte

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Textile Art, String Art on Wood
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 23.6in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Textile Arts under $1,000 Figurative Geometric
quadro realizzato con tecnica String Art base in legno ricoperto con panno nero chiodi in acciaio filato DMC di alta qualita' il quadro puo' essere realizzato in diverse misure, si vonsiglia una dimensione non inferiore a 45 cm per lato l'opera puo' essere realizzata anche con diversi[...]
quadro realizzato con tecnica String Art

base in legno ricoperto con panno nero
chiodi in acciaio
filato DMC di alta qualita'

il quadro puo' essere realizzato in diverse misure, si vonsiglia una dimensione non inferiore a 45 cm per lato

l'opera puo' essere realizzata anche con diversi colori

per qualsiasi informazione contattatemi

Related themes

String ArtMandalaFilatoGeometria3D

Automatically translated
Hello everyone, my name is Anna,  I am a simple lady who lives in an ancient village rich in history - in the Ducal City immersed in the Ticino Park - Sforza district of Vigevano (Pavia-Italy)< /p > I[...]

Hello everyone, my name is Anna,

 I am a simple lady who lives in an ancient village rich in history - in the Ducal City immersed in the Ticino Park - Sforza district of Vigevano (Pavia-Italy)< /p>

I am attracted to everything that has never existed ... the UNPUBLISHED

I LOVE digitization and as a former photocomposer I have created a Manual for using programs to create cross stitch PATTERNS - this allows me to create customized and therefore UNPUBLISHED patterns - among my works you will also find PATTERNS and cross stitch embroideries made by me

I am hypnotized by all that is Artistic because it, as St. Francis quotes 'it is created with the hands, with the head and with the heart'

Work commitments allowed me to approach the world of String Art at a late age - An extraordinarily fascinating technique that allows you to view the work in a THREE-DIMENSIONAL way - a work that can be appreciated not only by looking at it from a distance but also by closely observing the great work made up of a considerable number of holds called nails and the ;interweaving of many passages of Lines composed of  FILI  colored or not.

This art can be hung on the wall as if resting on a clear glass shelf - it can be appreciated both in small and in enormous dimensions. .

I hope to somehow be able to fascinate you with some of my creations

See more from Anna Belmonte

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