Ягоды осени (2021) Painting by Anna Andrushok

Oil on Canvas, 11.8x15.8 in
Price: Free Shipping
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions 15x18.9 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 11.8in, Width 15.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Hyperrealism artwork_cat.Still Life
Картина написана с натуры. Ягоды винограда пронизаны солнцем. Цвета очень нежные и сочные. Картина вызывает аппетитные чувства, поэтому прекрасно будет смотреться на кухне либо столовой. Выполнена картина была художницей на 6 месяце беременности. About this artwork:[...]
Картина написана с натуры. Ягоды винограда пронизаны солнцем. Цвета очень нежные и сочные. Картина вызывает аппетитные чувства, поэтому прекрасно будет смотреться на кухне либо столовой. Выполнена картина была художницей на 6 месяце беременности.

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Born in Ukraine. She studied at the Izyum Children's Art School named after. Vasilkovsky. Then at the Kharkov Art School, where she mastered the profession of painter and artist-teacher. After receiving a honors[...]

Born in Ukraine. She studied at the Izyum Children's Art School named after. Vasilkovsky. Then at the Kharkov Art School, where she mastered the profession of painter and artist-teacher. After receiving a honors diploma in secondary education, she studied at the Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts, majoring in educational art at the Faculty of Graphics. She mastered book illustration and received a specialist diploma. After graduation, I was engaged in making portraits to order, using different materials: oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, pencil. In addition to portraits, I also paint landscapes, still lifes, and abstractions. Soon she opened her own art studio for children. Where I taught painting, graphics and decorative arts to applicants for admission to higher educational institutions. I also paint interior walls and facades. I am also involved in the cosmitization of clothes and shoes. I do artistic paintings on T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers. In Ukraine. I studied at the Children's Art School. Then at the Kharkov Art School, where they mastered the profession of painter and artist-teacher. After receiving a honors diploma in secondary education, she studied at the Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts, majoring in educational art at the Faculty of Graphics. Mastered book illustration. Received a red specialist diplomat. After graduation, I was engaged in making portraits to order, using different materials: watercolor, pencil. Soon she opened her own art studio for children. Where she taught painting, graphics and decorative arts. I prepare applicants for admission to higher educational institutions. I also paint interior walls and facades. I am also involved in the cosmitization of clothes and shoes. I do

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