Flower 3 (2024) Painting by Anja Rudko

Oil on Paper, 11x8.3 in
Price: Free Shipping

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Shipping from: Israel (Box or cardboard packaging) Ships within 2 days
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This print is available in several sizes.

Customer's reviews Excellent
Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Anja Rudko

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11in, Width 8.3in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Impressionism
Imagine a cozy corner in your home decorated with this stunning painting. Against a bright yellow background, a red branch with spiky leaves blooms like a cascade of flames, adding liveliness and energy to the image. This painting will fit perfectly into any interior, adding charm and exotic beauty. Let this piece of art bring your space to life and[...]
Imagine a cozy corner in your home decorated with this stunning painting. Against a bright yellow background, a red branch with spiky leaves blooms like a cascade of flames, adding liveliness and energy to the image. This painting will fit perfectly into any interior, adding charm and exotic beauty. Let this piece of art bring your space to life and become the focal point of your home.

This work is sold unframed.
The work is signed on the back and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
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Beautiful CombinationRedYellowSheetBright Accent

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Anna Rudko is a contemporary artist hailing from Israel, delving into themes that explore the psychological dimensions of style and the human impulse to articulate inner emotions[...]

Anna Rudko is a contemporary artist hailing from Israel, delving into themes that explore the psychological dimensions of style and the human impulse to articulate inner emotions through outward expression.

Anna is a regular illustrator for SOBAKA magazine and has lent her artistic vision to the design of several book covers and magazines, including the notable cover for the book "Fashion and Cinema: 100 Years Together" by Anna Bashtova. She is also the creator of a fashion illustration course at the University of Design and Fashion.

In March 2022, Anna celebrated her inaugural solo exhibition, drawing in approximately 1300 attendees. The following year, in February 2023, she was honored with the prestigious "Especially Outstanding Artist" designation by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration in Israel.

Continuously evolving as a contemporary artist, Anna actively engages in exhibitions and collaborations with magazines and brands. Her works find homes in private collections across the globe, including Russia, the USA, Switzerland, Germany, and Finland. Notably, one of her pieces hangs alongside the renowned David Hockney's work in a private collection in the UK.

See more from Anja Rudko

View all artworks
Oil on Canvas | 5.7x8.3 in
Pastel on Paper | 11x7.9 in
Oil on Canvas | 8.3x5.7 in
Oil on Canvas | 5.7x8.3 in


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