Destination Unknown (2,2019) (2019) Painting by Andrew Walaszek

Watercolor on Paper, 22x28 in
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Fine art paper, 8x10 in

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  1160 px  

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Artwork signed by the artist
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This artwork appears in 2 collections
This painting is dedicated to people who died traveling to unknown destinations on cattle trains and today inside refrigerated trucks. "The first trains with German Jews expelled to ghettos in occupied Poland began departing from central Germany on 16 October 1941. Called Sonderzüge (special trains), the trains had low priority for[...]
This painting is dedicated to people who died traveling to unknown destinations on cattle trains and today inside refrigerated trucks.

"The first trains with German Jews expelled to ghettos in occupied Poland began departing from central Germany on 16 October 1941. Called Sonderzüge (special trains), the trains had low priority for the movement and would proceed to the mainline only after all other transports went through, inevitably extending transport time beyond expectations.

The trains consisted of sets of either third class passenger carriages, but mainly freight cars or cattle cars or both; the latter packed with up to 150 deportees, although 50 was the number proposed by the SS regulations. No food or water was supplied. The Güterwagen boxcars were fitted with only a bucket latrine. A small barred window provided irregular ventilation, which oftentimes resulted in multiple deaths from either suffocation or exposure to the elements. Some freight cars had a layer of quick lime on the floor.

At times, the Germans did not have enough filled cars ready to start a major shipment of Jews to the camps, so the victims were kept locked inside overnight at layover yards. The Holocaust trains also waited for more important military trains to pass. An average transport took about four days. The longest transport of the war, from Corfu, took 18 days. When the train arrived at the camp and the doors were opened, everyone was already dead.

Due to delays and cramped conditions, many deportees died in transit. On 18 August 1942, Waffen SS officer Kurt Gerstein had witnessed at Belzec the arrival of "45 wagons with 6,700 people, of whom 1,450 were already dead on arrival". That train came with the Jews of the Lwów Ghetto, less than 100 kilometres (62 mi) away."

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Andrew Walaszek was born in 1954 in Washington, DC, USA, and he is a contemporary artist currently living and painting in Northwest Arkansas, USA. He moved to Europe with his parents[...]

Andrew Walaszek was born in 1954 in Washington, DC, USA, and he is a contemporary artist currently living and painting in Northwest Arkansas, USA.

He moved to Europe with his parents in 1957, where he then lived in various countries for two decades. He began painting while living and studying in the following European cities: Warsaw in Poland, then called the Polish People's Republic, Glasgow in Scotland part of the United Kingdom, Belgrade in Serbia, then part of Yugoslavia, and Minsk in Belarus, then part of the Soviet Union.

In 1977 he moved back to the USA, where he lived in Chicago. For many years he created art in his spare time while developing commercial software at SPSS and then IBM. 

Since 2014 he has painted full-time at his studio at Lake Avalon in Arkansas, USA. 

He is a Modern and Contemporary artist, painting in figurative, abstract, free-form, emotionally intense, gestural, and expressive styles. Following his artistic training and constantly experimenting and self-discovering, he creates art inspired by historical and current events, his imagination, the new technology he loves, and the beauty of nature, especially the Arkansas Ozarks.

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