Сharus (2022) Pittura da Irina Avlasenko

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Venditore Irina Avlasenko

Carta per belle arti, 8x10 in
Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
The scariest thing of all is the "charus". A window, a wadya can be seen from a distance and bypassed - the charusa is inconspicuous. Having got out of the dense forest, where dry deadwood and rotting windbreaker are piled up like high fires on damp, swampy soil, the traveler suddenly, as if by magic, meets a flowering meadow in front of[...]
The scariest thing of all is the "charus". A window, a wadya can be seen from a distance and bypassed - the charusa is inconspicuous. Having got out of the dense forest, where dry deadwood and rotting windbreaker are piled up like high fires on damp, swampy soil, the traveler suddenly, as if by magic, meets a flowering meadow in front of him. She looks at him so merrily, spreading herself wide, at length among the red-trunked pines and dark coniferous firs. Smooth, smooth, it is densely overgrown with juicy, fresh greenery and dotted with large turquoise forget-me-nots, fragrant white jugs, field stalks and bright yellow muffins. The meadow beckons the traveler to itself: it is sweet to rest on it for the weary, weary, to soak up the fragrant, dazzlingly sparkling emerald green!

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