Geflecht (1979) Drawing by Alois Oberndorfer

Ink on Paper, 11.9x16.4 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Alois Oberndorfer

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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Alois Oberndorfer

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11.9in, Width 16.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Drawings under $1,000 Abstract Abstract
Eine Federzeichnung mir schwarz-blauer Tinte und schwarzer Tusche ausgeführt, eine Netzstruktur, oder eine rudimentäre Landschaft darstellend About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles [...]
Eine Federzeichnung mir schwarz-blauer Tinte und schwarzer Tusche ausgeführt, eine Netzstruktur, oder eine rudimentäre Landschaft darstellend

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Automatically translated
Born in Austria (1952) From 1972 studied at the University of Applied Arts (now university) in the master class for painting, graphics, stained glass and architectural art with Prof. Carl Unger, evening[...]

Born in Austria (1952)

From 1972 studied at the University of Applied Arts (now university) in the master class for painting, graphics, stained glass and architectural art with Prof. Carl Unger, evening act with Prof.  Frohner and guest appearances in the master class for ceramics (Prof. Leinfellner) and in the master class for sculpture (Prof. Avramidis)

After studying, work as a commercial artist, furniture restorer, gilder, without ever stopping working artistically .

Exhibitions: Ministry of Finance in Vienna (exhibition of the Unger master class)

                          Supporting Gallery of the City of Vienna (solo exhibition)

                          Participation in the art exhibition of the Munich Artists' Association in the Munich Residence


                         Group exhibition in Linz (Posthof)

                        Numerous solo exhibitions and participations in gastronomy

and in shops in Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy

Group exhibition projects in empty shops and houses (supported by the City of Vienna and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce

                          Large staff in Setúbal (Casa da Avenida) on two floors

Purchases by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture, City Council for Culture the city of Vienna and numerous sales to collectors and art dealers in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Portugal

Sales through auctions at the Dorotheum auction house in Vienna

 Live and work in Portugal since 2008, as well as in Vienna

See more from Alois Oberndorfer

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