drive in (2020) Pittura da Philip Michael Martin


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Venditore Philip Michael Martin

Carta per belle arti, 8x12 in
In this painting we see the sun setting over a city not unlike L.A. The whole sky is turned a dazzling pink by the setting sun, silhouetting the buildings and the palm trees which surround a drive-in cinema. On the giant screen we see that the film has come to an end. [...]
In this painting we see the sun setting over a city not unlike L.A. The whole sky is turned a dazzling pink by the setting sun, silhouetting the buildings and the palm trees which surround a drive-in cinema. On the giant screen we see that the film has come to an end.

Temi correlati

CinemaDrive InCarsPalm TreesThe End

Tradotto automaticamente
I am originally from Sheffield. I went to Hull College of Art where I studied Fine Art, Graphic Design and Film. After leaving college I returned to Sheffield to open a bar and sing in a band in the music[...]

I am originally from Sheffield. I went to Hull College of Art where I studied Fine Art, Graphic Design and Film. After leaving college I returned to Sheffield to open a bar and sing in a band in the music capital of Yorkshire. 5 years later I moved to London where, over the next 30 years I got married, had two children, acquired a mortgage and got a job in advertising as an art director and later a copywriter where my creative juices continued to flow. Throughout all of this, I’ve always painted, first as a hobby, then professionally. I’m very pleased to say that my work now sells internationally and I'm delighted to share my paintings on this site and hope that they add some colour, fun or even intrigue to your day.

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