Diptych: Hope (Диптих: Упование) (2020) Pittura da Alla Kosteleckaya

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Venditore Alla Kosteleckaya

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27,11 USD
46,62 USD
100,84 USD
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Venditore Alla Kosteleckaya

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32,53 USD
130,12 USD
271,08 USD
Risoluzione massima: 2992 x 4096 px
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Venditore Alla Kosteleckaya

In addition to the seascape, fragments of the text of the 90th psalm are visible on each part of the diptych, which fills the work with the strength to win in any situation. The barely noticeable sailboat and the silhouette of a girl symbolize hope and trust in the Creator of heaven and earth, but you can read this picture in your own way… The[...]
In addition to the seascape, fragments of the text of the 90th psalm are visible on each part of the diptych, which fills the work with the strength to win in any situation. The barely noticeable sailboat and the silhouette of a girl symbolize hope and trust in the Creator of heaven and earth, but you can read this picture in your own way…
The combination of blue and yellow shades with the addition of gold in the picture attracts attention and gives hope.
Both parts complement each other beautifully and unite both parts of the psalm.
Помимо морского пейзажа на каждой из частей диптиха просматриваются фрагменты текста 90-го псалма, который наполняет работу силой побеждать в любой ситуации. Едва заметные парусник и силуэт девушки символизирует упование и доверие Творцу неба и земли, но Вы можете прочесть эту картину по-своему…

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Tradotto automaticamente
She began to draw after the death of a loved one. The first paintings freed from pain, returned the taste of life, helped to learn to love and accept life in all its manifestations. Since then, drawing has[...]

She began to draw after the death of a loved one. The first paintings freed from pain, returned the taste of life, helped to learn to love and accept life in all its manifestations. Since then, drawing has become a part of life...

The desire to express their feelings through the image, contributed to the bold combination of various materials: texture paste, gold leaf, texts, bulk materials, gold and silver paints. At the heart of each work are thoughts and feelings that the artist sincerely wants to share with his viewer. Her landscapes hide the worlds that you want to discover and learn, and the stars and galaxies attract the eye and help to think about the eternal.

 The joy of creativity and a huge number of ideas awaiting their embodiment - this is what fills the life of an artist today.

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