DIAPHANÊS VII (2023) Photography by Aleph Uteza Lysimaque

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Seller Aleph Uteza Lysimaque

Le diaphane, emprunté au monde de la lumière et assimilé au domaine de la pensée, est dans ce projet utilisé comme un outil, une méthode, un révélateur ouvrant la voie à une ontologie de l’intervalle, cette ambiguïté au sein d’un milieu infiniment clair et infiniment obscur, ce mi-lieu soumis à un perpétuel mouvement par lequel le visible émerge et[...]
Le diaphane, emprunté au monde de la lumière et assimilé au domaine de la pensée, est dans ce projet utilisé comme un outil, une méthode, un révélateur ouvrant la voie à une ontologie de l’intervalle, cette ambiguïté au sein d’un milieu infiniment clair et infiniment obscur, ce mi-lieu soumis à un perpétuel mouvement par lequel le visible émerge et se retire. Un intermédiaire où s’ouvre la relation immédiate à une perception sans obstacle.

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Aleph Uteza Lysimaque is a contemporary artist born in 1993 in Nice. A graduate in International Humanitarian Law / Law of Armed Conflict, Aleph has always been attracted by the complexity and subtleties of[...]

Aleph Uteza Lysimaque is a contemporary artist born in 1993 in Nice. A graduate in International Humanitarian Law / Law of Armed Conflict, Aleph has always been attracted by the complexity and subtleties of the world. His meeting with the artistic community of Saint-Paul-de-Vence was decisive and became the catalyst for an artistic vision which has since continued to evolve, shaping a singular visual identity.

From its beginnings, Aleph has distinguished itself in its expression by its use of black. She rarely favors color. Nicknamed "the granddaughter of Pierre Soulages" by her peers, Aleph considers black to be the color of origins, the one that marks the beginning of everything and the memory of the invisible. Deeply existentialist, Aleph engages in metaphysical peregrinations, probing the emotions and nuances that weave the cultural, scientific and social fabric of our time.

It is in this approach that the “ Anthropos” project fits, a photographic work that adopts a survey methodology borrowed from the human and social sciences, to apprehend the problematic of the Anthropocene. An attempt to approach reality in its complexity to think about the human condition through the prism of environmental upheavals. It's about questioning our relationship to progress and technology, our link to nature. To solicit our collective intelligence to rethink the human social contract. The “ Anthropos ” project is also the story of a civilization on the verge of collapse, faced with a simple choice: transform or fall.

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Photography | 6.8x9.8 in
Photography | 6.6x8.8 in
Photography | 23.4x15.6 in
Not For Sale
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Not For Sale


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