Peake (2023) Pintura por Aleksandr Shepelev

Oleo en Lienzo, 31,5x23,6 in
9.477 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Opiniones de clientes (11)
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Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
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Esta imagen está disponible para descargar con una licencia

32,00 US$
130,00 US$
270,00 US$
Resolución máxima: 1200 x 1499 px
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Vendedor Aleksandr Shepelev

Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Who are mountaineers? Irredeemable romantics who lack the spice of our everyday lives? People who love risk? Mountaineering, more often than not, remains a hobby, an opportunity to overcome oneself, to be tested by heights. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación,[...]
Who are mountaineers? Irredeemable romantics who lack the spice of our everyday lives? People who love risk? Mountaineering, more often than not, remains a hobby, an opportunity to overcome oneself, to be tested by heights.
Traducido automáticamente
My love for painting began in my early years. It was a fascinating journey into the world of painting! It inspired in me a passion for art and a desire for self-expression. Even in my school years I was[...]

My love for painting began in my early years. It was a fascinating journey into the world of painting! It inspired in me a passion for art and a desire for self-expression.
Even in my school years I was engaged in the editorial board, design of wall newspapers and posters. But in my free time I immersed myself in the culture of neo-expressionism and the desire to experiment in the fine arts. I was not alone in being swallowed by the new trend of neo-expressionist culture and our creativity was of course suppressed in the Soviet Union. Although on another continent the art of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an American artist, was already flourishing. Who became famous first as a graffiti artist in New York and then, in the 1980s, as a very successful neo-expressionist. Yes, I did not even know about him then, but something moved me by waves of neural connection with this artist, I already realized it in adulthood, I remember reading the book "FORMULA OF SUCCESS" by Albert-Laso Barbosa, where I accidentally stumbled upon the biography of Basquiat, I was just pierced by lightning to resuscitation. It was the hour of metiv rebirth from the coma of inactivity.
But, let's go back to my formative years as an artist, during the time of the USSR, stagnation, clamps and fear, but it is wonderful that I and other like-minded experimental artists found ways to secretly gather and organize festivals, meetings of this art, share experiences, communicate, grow and become more professional artists.
I remember one of the most significant moments of my art was the festival called "Golden Parrot" in 1984, where my work was recognized as the best in Central Asia. Yes! Such recognition was a confirmation of my talent and a stimulus for further creative path.
Often artists experience creative crises and periods of insecurity. And of course it touched me in 1991-1997. This period of time is also called the time of "second hand". It was during this time that I fell into a deep creative depression. However, it is remarkable that I was able to overcome this difficulty by time and circumstances of Jean-Michel Basquiat's art, to resuscitate me.
Two works were created, entitled "Embryo", on cardboard with a helium pen and acrylic paints. Apparently this was the turning point for me. After that, the first sale of one of the works, to a teacher in Denmark. It was an incredible affirmation of my artistic abilities and gave me confidence.
Adopting the pseudonym EDM, which stands for EmDaMi (translation : Embryo Danse Mysterio) was a powerful way of signaling my rebirth to start a new chapter in my artistic journey. Today I share my work on social networks and blogs, I communicate with art lovers, we discuss common interests and hobbies We move in a common flow of love for art and a longing for the Creator of Creations.
Thank you to all who appreciate my work and are drawn to experimental art Together we are strength!!!!

Ver más de Aleksandr Shepelev

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