Essai 1 (2018) Drawing by Alain Erpelding

Not For Sale

Seller Alain Erpelding

Fine art paper, 8x11 in

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  1125 px  

1500 px
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Ballpoint pen on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 7.9in, Width 11.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Figurative
Corset Painting About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Figurative Figurative and colorful painting having taken the liberty of including[...]
Corset Painting
Automatically translated
Alain was born in 1968 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He was passionate about art from a very young age. He started drawing in pencil at age four by copying an illustrated castle onto a coaster. During his[...]

Alain was born in 1968 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He was passionate about art from a very young age. He started drawing in pencil at age four by copying an illustrated castle onto a coaster. During his youth he continued to be interested in drawing.
In high school he attended an artistic section where he got to know the famous painters in the history of art. He found preferences for Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Gustav Klimt and for romanticism Wlliam Turner to name a few. He also started with nudes and oil paintings. After high school during his studies and his launch into professional life, creativity stagnated a bit. Self-taught he continued to paint a picture from time to time.
Later he gradually became familiar with the creation of wooden furniture and wooden sculptures.
He understood that art requires more than the look, that it involves us, that it solicits our intelligence and the vigilance of all our faculties. We are invited to look, to receive, to perceive and to be open to art. We learn, understand and accept. As spectators of a work we finish it according to our own expression.

So when he paints in oil or acrylic he wants to play with the colors, with the shapes. He wants to experiment rather than present the subjects and objects of the natural and real world. Reality can be the starting point but in the end the work does not have to contain a reality check.

Nevertheless he does not want to settle on a genre yet. He wants to keep the freedom of representation and not have the constraint of fixing on a genre. He goes there with Hegel who said in 1832: << art must therefore propose another end than the purely formal imitation of nature; in any case, imitation can only produce technical masterpieces, never works of art>>

Alain him, he also seeks to reproduce nature by imitating it with pencil drawings, or simply with portraits. He seeks variations with subjects dressed or naked, indoors or outdoors, standing, sitting or lying down.

Inspired also by many modern contemporary artists, he experiments little by little. little to digital art. Without wanting to make it his favorite and privileged style, he uses digital creation to reproduce reality or to go into total abstraction.

Having received invitations from abroad (Barcelona, Lago di Como, Lago Maggiore and various Promoters from USA) to exhibit his works, the artist prefers to continue his work without exhibitions.

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