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Akram The Artist Profile Picture

Akram The Artist

Dhi Qar, Iraq
Artist (Painting, Drawing)
Born 2002
The official account of the artist Akram Mohamed

I am Akram Mohammed, an Iraqi artist with a deep passion for both art and knowledge. From a young age, the arts have been a fundamental part of my life, providing me with a means to express myself. My work is heavily influenced by the rich heritage and culture of my country, drawing inspiration from everything around me.
I believe that education is the key to change, which is why I continually strive to develop my artistic skills. I aspire to use my art to create a positive impact in my community by highlighting social and humanitarian issues that matter to me.
I aim to create works that blend authenticity with modernity, reflecting my aspirations and personal journey. I see art as a powerful tool for fostering dialogue and understanding among cultures, and I am committed to ongoing learning and growth as an artist.

Discover contemporary artworks by Akram The Artist, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary iraqi artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin Iraq). Buy Akram The Artist's latest works on ArtMajeur by YourArt: Discover great art by contemporary artist Akram The Artist. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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