Parallelism series, trumpet (2023) 絵画 Ak Douglas によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 71.7x47.6 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 Ak Douglas
発送元: インド (チューブ) 1週間内で発送
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The way we breathe without thinking of it, as a natural process to be in the process of living, same way art is natural process for me, what matters is the process of happening in the being. What comes out of my instinct, like instinct is leading me or I’m leading the instinct, like meeting the unknown and feeling it’s known. At present I am[...]
The way we breathe without thinking of it, as a natural process to be in the process of living, same way art is natural process for me, what matters is the process of happening in the being. What comes out of my instinct, like instinct is leading me or I’m leading the instinct, like meeting the unknown and feeling it’s known.
At present I am using mixed media for my painting, such as Gold & silver leaf, beads, Bindi, carpet made of unused apparel waste, acrylic, semi-precious stones.
Materials like gold and silver I am using not because of its cost, I am using such materials because of its historical, traditional, political and social values.
I am more interested in unused materials rather than recycled materials.
The values of the material is more important than their cost.
I believe,
If we explore our ignorance knowledge will be born,
If we explore knowledge, recycle will happen. I am exploring ignorance.



Show / workshops/ symposium /biennale • 2023: Sweden international artist symposium, Sweden • 2023: 10th Cheongju international contemporary art exhibition Schema Museum Korea • 2023: EXPLO3[...]

Show / workshops/ symposium /biennale

• 2023: Sweden international artist symposium, Sweden

• 2023: 10th Cheongju international contemporary art exhibition Schema Museum Korea

• 2023: EXPLO3 Espsizione collettiva internazionale Italy

• 2022: EXPLO3 Espsizione collettiva internazionale Italy

• 2021: Ecriture de L’emotion a group show at Galerie Ephemere , Art Contemporary Center Tignous, Montreuil, France

• 2020: Solo Show at SPC kunstrum gallery, Copenhagen Denmark

• 2020: Group show, Galerie 6, Mairie de Montreuil, France

• 2020: Open 7,International art exhibition, at magazzini Dell Art contemporanea, Trapani Italy

• 2019: Group show-University Art museum Chungcheongbuk-do South Korea

• 2019: De Colore. Leonardo e l”interpretazione contemporane, Milano Italy

• 2019: Kaleidoscope, international art exhibition, at magazzini Dell Art contemporanea, Trapani   Italy

• 2019: 9th Biennale de Sarria Salon International d'Art, Spain

• 2019: International artist residency for River Democracy, Maha kumbh Mela, Prayagraj India

• 2019: Group Show of Vasudhaiva kutumbakam at Allahabad Museum India

• 2019: International coordinator for Dhanbad Art Fair, Dhanbad India

• 2018: 2nd Bodhgaya Biennale, Bodhgaya India

• 2018: Group show, Governor House Patna, in association with Govt. of Bihar (workshop) & Bihar         Museum,   India

• 2018: Group show, Gallerie Sonia Monti, Paris, France

• 2018: Arthshila International Artist Symposium Group Show, Bihar Museum Patna, India

• 2017: AMP TWOFOUR54, group show, October & November edition, Abu Dhabi,UAE

• 2017: 9th Biennale de Sarria Salon International d'Art, Spain

• 2017: ZeeArts, M gallery, The Retreat Hotel Palm Jumeirah. Dubai, UAE

• 2017: Group show, Magnetikzone International Art Project, Polo Museale “A.Cordici” Italy

• 2017: New media group show, Korean culture centre New Delhi, India

• 2017: Collective exhibition in Erice, Italy

• 2017: New media group show, Schema Art Museum Cheongju, South Korea.    

• 2017: Konst pa vag group show, Sweden

• 2017: Dual show, lugar 34 & Circa, Tromso Norway

• 2017: Dual show, Magazzini dell'Arte Contemporanea, Trapani Sicily

• 2017: Group show, Anima Mundi at Orto Botanico di Napoli, Naples Italy

• 2016: Open studio with Marc Rayner, Sweden

• 2016: Magnetic zone, International Art Project, at Museo Civico di Torre di Ligny, Trapani Italy

• 2016: Art Dubai, Mojo art gallery Dubai

• 2016: Landscape at Spazio Porta Mazzini Viale G, Mazzini 1, Rome, Italy

• 2015: International art camp, exhibition- The Al Asmakh Art Symposium, Qatar         

• 2015: Biennale D’Arte Contemporanea di Trapani seconda edizione, Italy

• 2015: Salon Generations, Hanger Art Center- Opera House Cairo- Egypt

• 2015: UpCycled Art Festival, Aviation Industry, Art Takes Wing, Art Hub Liwa, UAE

• 2015 to 13: Project Director for Vashudhaiva Kutumbakam artist residency

•2011, 17: Project manager for Buddha Enlightenment art residency

Ak Douglasからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 47.6x59.8 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 35.8x23.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 78x60 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 59.8x47.6 in

