The Prisoner (2021) Painting by Aj Rojas

Acrylic on Canvas, 48x48 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Aj Rojas
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 48in, Width 48in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Abstract Colorful
"The Prisoner" Chained in his spot with no where to go. With only his thoughts he sits waiting anxiously for what will become of him. His ball and chain pulls him in every direction as he wonders who is actually in control. This is piece number 43 in AJ's Canvas Collection. It is created with high quality Acrylic paints[...]
"The Prisoner" Chained in his spot with no where to go. With only his thoughts he sits waiting anxiously for what will become of him. His ball and chain pulls him in every direction as he wonders who is actually in control.

This is piece number 43 in AJ's Canvas Collection. It is created with high quality Acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

"The Prisoner" represents the power struggle between the majority and those who are in control. It can be combined with piece number 42 "The Old Guard" for a complete picture of AJ's thoughts.

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AJ Rojas is a contemporary American artist. Motivated by the gestural approach of Abstract Expressionism, AJ draws influence from the Surrealist and Dada movements of the early[...]

AJ Rojas is a contemporary American artist. Motivated by the gestural approach of Abstract Expressionism, AJ draws influence from the Surrealist and Dada movements of the early 20th century in an effort to replicate the unconscious mind's immediate expression. Always drawing inspiration from organic forms and natural life, in line with Biomorphism's intuitive approach. Based on the aforementioned, AJ identifies as an abstractionist painter whose work lies in the liminal space between abstraction and surrealism, where the viewer's mind can conjure up a variety of interpretations.

Occasionally experimenting with geometric abstraction, AJ usually starts by randomly placing straight or irregular lines on the canvas. Following the initial line insertion, he examines the random lines from his own distinct vantage point to uncover the secret pictures he conjured from his mind. Once the eye-catching lineaments are apparent, he carefully shapes them into color before adding them to the canvas.

The artist claims that leaving a door open for the viewer to shape their own experience with his art is a crucial aspect of his work. He has always believed that the viewpoint of the observer in regards to his paintings is just as important as his own.

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