Electric Island (2021) Painting by Afsaneh Vollmer

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 20x20 in
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Seller Afsaneh Vollmer

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
My experience in art has been a journey through many different forms, expressions and living in cities like NYC, Paris, and Geneva has also added complexity to my creative approach. For this collection, I am exploring bringing a simplicity to that complexity, the blurred boundaries between rules and no rules, in this case deconstructing the concept[...]
My experience in art has been a journey through many different forms, expressions and living in cities like NYC, Paris, and Geneva has also added complexity to my creative approach. For this collection, I am exploring bringing a simplicity to that complexity, the blurred boundaries between rules and no rules, in this case deconstructing the concept of Art Deco, reconstructing new geometric compositions through contrasts between the tension and beauty. I wanted to share this journey with viewers.

Related themes

Art DecoPaintingGeometricCollageMultimedia

Afsaneh Vollmer   Afsaneh studied fine art at Ecole des Beaux Arts in Switzerland and continued her visual arts studies at New York Studio School. She further achieved a degree in Textile and Surface[...]

Afsaneh Vollmer


Afsaneh studied fine art at Ecole des Beaux Arts in Switzerland and continued her visual arts studies at New York Studio School. She further achieved a degree in Textile and Surface Design from FIT in New York, and a Master of Woven Design from Ecole Nationale Superieure de Creation Industirelle in Paris.


While studying fine art at New York Studio School one of her sculptures was awarded and chosen to be in a photo shoot for Vogue magazine. She also was among the top creative students from FIT to present her textile design to Bill Blass.


Afsaneh has many years of experience as a graphic artist and globally producing wallpaper designs in this industry. She has continued painting with different forms of media creating decorative textiles and incorporated textiles and other materials into her paintings in form of mixed media.


She is currently a professor at Yorkville University and Conestoga college in Ontario/Canada teaching various courses for Bachelor of Interior Design program.

See more from Afsaneh Vollmer

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