Little Abstract 1.16 (2024) Painting by Adrien Réaucreux

Acrylic on Wood, 5.9x3.9 in
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Travail avec de la bande de plâtre, sur support bois, avec une utilisation d'enduit, et de résine, le tout souligné par un apport de couleurs, imprégnant notamment le plâtre. Trad: Working with strips of plaster on a wooden support, using plaster and resin, all underlined by a contribution of colour, impregnating the plaster[...]
Travail avec de la bande de plâtre, sur support bois, avec une utilisation d'enduit, et de résine, le tout souligné par un apport de couleurs, imprégnant notamment le plâtre.

Working with strips of plaster on a wooden support, using plaster and resin, all underlined by a contribution of colour, impregnating the plaster in particular.

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Adrien RéaucreuxPeintureFrench ArtistArt ContemporainArt

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How did it start? What word? What sensation? What event? What I can say is that this month of October 2021 was a hollow moment, a moment empty of orders to be made. So, perhaps to counter the idleness,[...]

How did it start? What word? What sensation? What event?
What I can say is that this month of October 2021 was a hollow moment, a moment empty of orders to be made. So, perhaps to counter the idleness, to work.
But I could just as easily say that it had been going on for a long time already, the desire in my head, suspended for a long time, waiting for the time, or the signal, since always the tools, the materials all around me, since childhood, life in the mess, the noise, the smells of the workshop.
This inert abundance just waiting to be brought to life with the right attention to produce the piece ordered.
A reassuring world for me, a whole lexicon of gestures seen, repeated and integrated, inherited from my mother and passed on by her in a "doing together".
That's where the road to making begins, in the use and habit of known gestures.
In fact, I don't remember a life outside the workshop. The workroom, the home workshop, everything was right there within reach. That day, my hand grasped the spatula and began to coat the surface, and the gestures followed one another, color asserting itself to animate the form, the colors so often abandoned on the palette, wiped on the apron, took center stage this time, shouting out their exuberance, their vitality too long buried and contained.

It was a gush, a flow, like being born a second time to oneself, from one's own desire, one's own impulse. Of course, I didn't know that the spatula, the paint and the plaster would open up this space to a new breath, a rebirth.
I gave myself permission to do, to stray, to seek, to turn around, in a time that never stopped taking its time and its measure, with no rush, no accountability. A time for me, in dialogue with the object being created, made its way through, and all I wanted to do was be there.
I don't define things in advance, I don't make plans or sketches; what I have on hand induces, it's direct, palpable.
It's a salvaged plank of wood, a piece of plastic or resin, some nice leftovers, and the ideas follow. I embroider from chance, welcoming and gathering here and there.
In this work, time is my ally, I lose it or I gain it, it's my business and nobody else's, it's never a burden or an anguish, because time is the space to let my word emerge, infiltrated in the material, that's how I let you approach me, that's how, in this unveiling of the unspeakable descended into the material by my hands, I can come to meet you and envisage you at last.

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