Eden 1 (2022) Painting by Adam Laabs


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Seller Adam Laabs

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  1494 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1494x1500
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Painting, Oil on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 63in, Width 63in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Abstract Graffiti
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists[...]

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Eden Adam LaabsGrafiti

Adam Laabs is a talented artist and graphic designer who spent 15 years in the United States, living in both New York and Los Angeles. He has lived in Germany for the past 10 years. His professional career[...]

Adam Laabs is a talented artist and graphic designer who spent 15 years in the United States, living in both New York and Los Angeles. He has lived in Germany for the past 10 years. His professional career has focused on business, where he managed several companies for many years. Nevertheless, his passion for art has accompanied him since childhood, inspired by his mother, who also painted.
One of Adam's main sources of inspiration is traveling and learning about different cultures. He and his wife have visited more than 30 countries, and these experiences influence his artistic work. Adam acquired his skills in printmaking and painting from the best in his field, which allowed him to further develop his talent and artistic abilities.
His artistic interests focus primarily on modern painting, but he also draws inspiration from the works of Impressionists such as Gustav Klimt, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. His artwork reflects the variety of styles and techniques he has learned over the years, creating unique works of art.
His unique works adorn many private collections around the world, including those in Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lima and Santiago de Chile. Other successes include winning the title of "Premio Artista d'Europa 2023" in Milano in 2023, personal gallery exhibitions in Milan , Paris, Eberswalde, participation in renowned competitions in the United Kingdom, USA, Italy, Germany
Adam Laabs is an artist who continually develops his work and draws inspiration from a variety of sources to create works that delight and move the viewer. His passion for art is evident in each of his works, which exude creativity and express artistic sensibility.

See more from Adam Laabs

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Oil on Linen Canvas | 63x47.2 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 63x47.2 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 63x47.2 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 39.4x27.6 in


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