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Toulouse, France
Artist (Painting)
Born unknown date


At the start was «the» letter,
Lost traces - though full of sense ?
Senseless omens dancing wildly ?
Nocturnal cermonies?
My explosion came to hand.
My impish spirit……. Ballot
Your heart…………….Ballot box
At last day has dawned.
Passers-by react - sometimes angered,
Rebellious and looking carefree
His precarious balance between an instinctive sign
And a well-thought out composition,
Risk of love – Love of risk
Walls are murmuring words from cities,
I answer, as always,
Each dialogue, Reach for love
From weak to strong, the body’s wrong,
And through the cracks both words and screams : paint and paint
Colours on grey,
Your Life in your architecture – be alive
My town, my book, my life, my devotion
Bring me as much as these very written words.

Discover contemporary artworks by Abadiafez, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary french artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2007 (Country of origin France). Buy Abadiafez's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Abadiafez. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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