Mas (2016) Painting by Anna Jannack

Acrylic on Paper, 12x12 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This painting is about being lost in your mind. It is drawn/painted on hand made recycled paper and the edges are an important part that delineates the boundaries of what it is. This painting might now be a perfect square and that's ok. About this artwork:[...]
This painting is about being lost in your mind. It is drawn/painted on hand made recycled paper and the edges are an important part that delineates the boundaries of what it is. This painting might now be a perfect square and that's ok.

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Anna Jannack, a contemporary American painter, embarked on her artistic journey at the age of 15, igniting a lifelong passion for the creative process. Her academic pursuits led[...]

Anna Jannack, a contemporary American painter, embarked on her artistic journey at the age of 15, igniting a lifelong passion for the creative process. Her academic pursuits led her to the University of Washington in Seattle, where she dedicated herself to the study of drawing and painting, ultimately earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree.

In addition to her role as a painter, Anna Jannack brings a unique perspective to her artistic endeavors. As a practicing psychotherapist, her profound understanding of the human psyche significantly informs her approach to painting. This duality of talents allows her to infuse her work with a deep emotional and psychological resonance.

Within her artistic exploration, Anna employs a concept she refers to as "lines of inquiry." These inquiries serve as her creative compass, guiding her toward subjects and themes that pique her interest. Immersing herself in these lines of inquiry, she loses herself in the process, where her thoughts and emotions intertwine with her brushstrokes. Her art transcends mere representation; it becomes a form of meditation, a reflective journey that leads her to a unique and enlightening experience.

Anna Jannack's work is a tapestry woven from the threads of art, meditation, and her unending exploration of the world and the human experience. Her creations are not merely visual representations but an avenue into her psyche, a fusion of the tangible and the intangible, inviting viewers to engage in a profound and thought-provoking experience of their own.

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