早樱 (2018) Painting by Qiao Mu

Wax on Paper, 7.1x11 in
Price: Free Shipping
Seller Qiao Mu
Shipping from: China (Box or cardboard packaging)
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Seller Qiao Mu

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Max resolution: 3462 x 2238 px
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Seller Qiao Mu

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork is framed
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Wax / Watercolor / Oil on Paper
  • Dimensions 11.6x15.6 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 7.1in, Width 11in
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Oriental Art Flower
早樱。整幅作品使用口红和眼影来完成。艺术家创作理念:季节总是肉眼可见的,温度也是触手可及的,却还是有很多东西藏起来了。 About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Wax Sculpture technique using a mixture[...]

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艺术家的创作理念:一切美好的事物都会让人心情愉悦,给难过一朵花,给挫折一朵花,给开心一朵花,给难忘一朵花,给过去一朵花,给现在一朵花,给未来一朵花,一朵用口红画出来的花。大部分的作品都使用口红来完成,画面笔触细腻,整幅画带着艺术家极度的热情和激情,对未来生活的向往和憧憬。 Nationality:[...]


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Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 19.7x15.8 in
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Watercolor on Paper | 7.1x11 in
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