Rainbow Dance (2024) 彫刻 Zhao Yongchang によって

彫刻 - ブロンズ, 23.6x13 in
プライス: 送料無料

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  • 限定版 部数 : 8. 彫刻, 金属の ブロンズ
  • 入手可能なコピー数 8
  • 寸法 高さ 23.6in, 幅 13in / 15.00 kg
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
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  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $20,000未満 シュールレアリズム 動物
This work is my exploration of color, form and vitality. Through this work, I combined traditional cultural elements with modern aesthetic concepts to create an artistic image that is both familiar and strange. The image of the dragon horse not only has a mythical color but also seems to challenge our cognition of reality and virtuality.[...]
This work is my exploration of color, form and vitality.
Through this work, I combined traditional cultural elements with modern aesthetic concepts to create an artistic image that is both familiar and strange.
The image of the dragon horse not only has a mythical color but also seems to challenge our cognition of reality and virtuality. Its leaping posture seems to be both getting rid of some kind of restraint and pursuing a higher level of existential meaning.
The rainbow is the most splendid combination of colors in nature, symbolizing hope, dreams and unlimited possibilities. I hope to integrate the agility of life and the dreaminess of colors.
The moment when the dragon horse, leaps high from the water, it condenses all the beauty and hope within itself and emits a rainbow-like light. At this moment, it is the dancer at the center of the world.

👦Zhao Yongchang, born in 1992, is a contemporary Chinese sculptor. He graduated from China Academy of Art (famous Chinese artists Zao Wou-ki, Ai Weiwei's father Ai Qing, Chu Dequn, and Wu Guanzhong all graduated from here).
His sculpture works have been exhibited at the Art Expos in China for seven consecutive years and have been sold at China Guardian Auctions many times. His sculpture works are represented by many galleries,and his works is in many private collections worldwide. It is worth nothing that, in the past two years, enterprises such as PROYA, Alibaba, TMTPOST, K-BOXING, and Huawei have successively collected his sculpture works. Undoubtedly,he is a potential stock among the sculptor born in the 1990s.





Yong Chang Zhaoは、1992年に中国で生まれ、中国美術学院の彫刻とパブリックアートの学校を卒業しました。彼は全国的に作品を展示し、現代アートフェアの一部でした:第7回上海ユースアートフェア、アート上海国際フェア、アート蘇州、アート厦門、アート深センなど。

Artmajeur Magazine の記事でアーティストがハイライトされました:

Zhao Yongchangからもっと見る

彫刻 - ブロンズ | 19.3x11.8 in
彫刻 - ブロンズ | 23.6x11 in
彫刻 - ブロンズ | 9.1x21.7 in
彫刻 - ブロンズ | 14.2x17.7 in

