Natalia Veyner Profile Picture

Natalia Veyner

Санкт-Петербург, Russia
Artist (Painting, Digital Arts)
Born 1983
Hello! My name is Natalia Veyner and I am an artist who paints people and the life around them. Emotions, feelings and light are what I try to convey.

I draw from early childhood and received a higher art education at the Stieglitz Russian Academy. In painting, I am attracted to sunlight, cities and people in them, so all my stories about it. I have spent the last 3 years working full-time as an artist. During this time I painted about three hundred paintings and sketches. And I really want to increase my audience and sell my paintings around the world. I participated in Russian and international art exhibitions.

Discover contemporary artworks by Natalia Veyner, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: russian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2020 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Natalia Veyner's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Natalia Veyner. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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3 artworks by Natalia Veyner (Selection)

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Drawing titled "Venetian lantern wi…" by Natalia Veyner, Original Artwork, Ink
Venetian lantern with dragon - Drawing, 16.3x23.2 in ©2020 by Natalia Veyner - Figurative, figurative-594, ink drawing, interior painting, architectural drawing, picture as a gift, lantern lights, lantern art, architectural graphics, venetian lantern drawing, black-green-red painting, city detail art, city lantern art, color ink painting, graphics lantern, beautiful lantern, venetian lantern with dragon
"Venetian lantern with dragon"

Ink on Paper | 16.3x23.2 in

Drawing titled "City lantern" by Natalia Veyner, Original Artwork, Ink
City lantern - Drawing, 16.5x11.6 in ©2020 by Natalia Veyner - Figurative, figurative-594, architectural drawing, architectural sketch, city detail, architectural fragment, cityscape art, metal city lantern, lantern with dragon, venetian lantern, forged lantern, beautiful lantern art, color ink drawing, green lamp drawing, green lantern drawing
"City lantern"

Ink on Paper | 16.5x11.6 in

Drawing titled "Shrimp on a red pla…" by Natalia Veyner, Original Artwork, Pastel
Shrimp on a red plate - Drawing, 19.7x15.7 in ©2020 by Natalia Veyner - Impressionism, impressionism-603, seafood still life, shrimp still life, red and blue picture, shrimp art, pink prawns art, prawns on the table, hrimp on a red plate, Seafood table, Still life for the kitchen, Boiled shrimp
"Shrimp on a red plate"

Pastel on Paper | 19.7x15.7 in

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