Vers l'infini 032 (2023) Photography by Véronique Durruty

Photography, 47.2x47.2 in
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This artwork appears in 3 collections
Vers l'infini 032, Véronique Durruty, 2023 Un travail photographique au résultat minimaliste autour de la notion d'infini, à la frontière entre paysage et abstraction, entre graphisme et figuration, entre radiographie et envol, aux couleurs iréelles comme dans un rêve. tirage n°1/5 sur papier argentique numéroté[...]
Vers l'infini 032, Véronique Durruty, 2023

Un travail photographique au résultat minimaliste autour de la notion d'infini, à la frontière entre paysage et abstraction, entre graphisme et figuration, entre radiographie et envol, aux couleurs iréelles comme dans un rêve.

tirage n°1/5 sur papier argentique numéroté et signé au dos, 120 x 120 cm contrecollée sur dibon 2mm avec barres d'accroches : une fois accrochée, l'oeuvre semble flotter dans les airs

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Artist represented by GALERIE RACHEL HARDOUIN - 15 MARTEL
French photographer and visual artist, Véronique Durruty explores the senses and sensations through real or inner journeys. She questions beauty, reality, and the importance of the imaginary and the invisible.[...]

French photographer and visual artist, Véronique Durruty explores the senses and sensations through real or inner journeys. She questions beauty, reality, and the importance of the imaginary and the invisible. She likes to mix genres and mix media.
In nearly 30 years, Véronique Durruty has published more than 40 author's works and exhibited solo all over the world: London, Brussels, New York, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo... Her works are part of public funds and collections private: Belgium, Canada, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Senegal, USA...
In Photography in France, from the origins to the present day (Ed. Flammarion), Claude Nori writes about his work: “His photographic camera retransmits emotions and vibrations in a harvest of skin-deep, sensual, mysterious images. , always harmoniously composed (...). His personal work exalts the harmony and beauty of colors, sounds, smells, landscapes and bodies, of which several books of great aesthetic and formal freedom constitute true creative originals. »

Since 1999, she has devoted herself exclusively to her artistic practice.
In 2001, his work on the sensations of night in the world was exhibited by Claude Nori at Biarritz Terre d'images and attracted Catherine Laulhère who directed Flammarion editions. The work “Extérieur Nuit” was published in 2002 and the photos which constitute it will be the subject of a large personal exhibition of 100 photos on the gates of the Luxembourg garden and at the Rencontres d'Arles in 2003. Véronique Durruty then continues his poetic exploration of the theme of the night: from 2011, “L’heure des loups” is exhibited in its entirety or in group exhibitions, notably at the MuCEM in Marseille (2016-2017, “Café Inn” exhibition).

In 2003, she developed a polysensory creation by asking great noses to create perfumes inspired by her photographs, in 2018, she created sounds inspired by her photographs, giving birth to bi-sensory works.

At the same time, she began to develop purely conceptual work. “More or less infinity” brings together, in the form of abstract installations, pure air and toxic waste. These exhibitions took place in 2006 at the Grand Château in Nice, then at Sordes l'Abbaye in the Landes.

In 2013, Véronique Durruty's photographs escape from their frame. She puts gold on them, sews them, embroiders them, paints them, transforms them into sculptures. The result was an exhibition which will circulate in numerous galleries, “Icons”, which glorifies anonymous women. She has since developed a work of “photo-drawings” (pen ink on photographic prints), like a shaman visualizing the invisible. Véronique Durruty continues to work on the theme of women (2021, life in blues, embroidered drawings; 2024, V, darned photographs).

See more from Véronique Durruty

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Photography | 47.2x47.2 in
Photography | 31.5x47.2 in
Photography | 47.2x47.2 in
Photography | 47.2x31.5 in


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