boo (2005) Pintura por Vcasey


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Vendedor Vcasey

  • Obra de arte original Pintura,
  • Dimensiones Altura 14in, Anchura 10in
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 500 US$
acrylic on canvas sides finished black wired for hanging Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica Pintura [...]
acrylic on canvas sides finished black wired for hanging

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Acrylic Abstract Painting On Canvas Vcasey Artmajeur Art Artist Artiste Montreal

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vcaseym gmail to write me! vCasey was born in California in 1967 but grew up in New England. In 1986 he left the U.S. and moved to Québec to study where he has lived since. Self-taught and influenced[...]

vcaseym gmail to write me!

vCasey was born in California in 1967 but grew up in New England. In 1986 he left the U.S. and moved to Québec to study where he has lived since. Self-taught and influenced by his experience as a house painter he expresses himself in a direct way with his vibrant colors and mouvements which are inspired by nature, life and simplicity. He started to paint at the age of 4 after he had drawn on the walls with Crayola crayons. His mother, instead of getting angry had taken him to the art store and bought him his first acrylics. He produced his first professional series of 45 slate shingles in NYC in 1996: mainly fruits, vegetables and landscapes. In 2000 he decided to paint more seriously when he produced his first 16x20 canvases. His abstracts are influenced by nature and his more figurative works often have abstract elements in them. In 2001 he started working with the spatula and since it has become his preferred tool for painting. Towards 2002 he started to experiment with painting on wood and plywood but has continued just the same working on canvas. He has produced more than 1000 paintings since 2000 and has sold paintings in the US, Canada, France, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.

vCasey's first exposition was at the "Station P" on Amherst St. in Montréal from January to June 2004. He has also had three other expositions at Le Placard Café on Mont-Royal St. in Montréal in July 2005, September 2005 and in March 2008. He also participated in the Festival International Montreal en Art (F.I.M.A.) in 2006 as well a duo-expo with Victor Alonso in Barcelona in October of 2006. His 5th expo was at Metro Lounge in Feb. 2007. His 8th exposition was at the restaurant Les Cabotins, rue Sainte-Catherine est, Montréal in October 2008 and has participated in Project Hope arts/sida in 2009 and 2010 as well as being part of Québec Solidaire's "solidarité avec les artistes" in Dec. 2009. His first ever exposition at home where he works and exposes his art was in Sept. of 2009.

"Keep it simple, spontaneous and full of feeling is my philosophy-- Art should be within reach of everyone--Art takes from life and should give life back as well...
I hope my art inspires others to dream, to believe and to always try to achieve"

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Pintura | 20x16 in
Pintura | 20x15 in
Pintura | 10x30 in
Pintura | 10x10 in


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