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Triptych Part 1 left (2016) Pintura por Rowdy
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- Plazos de tiempo Entrega mundial de 3 a 7 días (Estimar)
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Obra de arte original
en Lienzo
- Dimensiones Altura 19,7in, Anchura 15,8in
- Categorías Pinturas menos de 20.000 US$ Abstracto
Давиденко Василий Викторович, Триптих Часть 1 левая, 50х40, холст, акрил, 2016 год
Temas relacionados
Абстрактное ИскусствоАбстрактный ЭкспрессионизмСюрреалистическая АбстракцияОбьёмное ИзображениеОбьёмная Живопись
Vasil’ Davydenko, born on October 14, 1992 in Oleksandriya. Live in Kiev. Art education: 2001 - 2005 studied at the secondary school of art (Oleksandriya) 2006-2010 Oleksandria Cultural Institute 2010-2015 Monumental and decorative painting department, Boychuk University, Kyiv . Style is surrealistic-abstraction, painting the picture of a stream of consciousness, the flight of thought, the main task of paintings, spirituality and separation from the material world, an idea that is formed completely on a subconscious level, the mindset from the beginning to the end, both are unique and have no similarity with other authors of surrealism. The work shows something external is not that all the time with us, it's like energy and quite incomprehensible to us the greatest images and processes that occur only in that world you will be able to see only the pictures. At first puzzling, formless working through time turn into deep processes that occur directly from the Viewer to the picture, and the picture viewer.
- Nacionalidad: UCRANIA
- Fecha de nacimiento : 1992
- Dominios artísticos:
- Grupos: Artistas Contemporáneos Ucranianos