Liquification (2024) Zeichnungen von Valeria Yscava

Bleistift auf Papier, 16,5x11,8 in
403 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand

Verkäufer Valeria Yscava
Kundenrezensionen (1)
Versand aus: Brasilien (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Digitale Lizenzierung

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33,00 $
130,00 $
271,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 4146 x 5832 px
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Verkäufer Valeria Yscava

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 5 Sammlungen
This artwork was intuitively crafted using watercolors during meditative sessions, employing two techniques: wet-on-wet and then dry paper applications, resulting in a myriad of effects. The deliberate choice of these methods aimed to capture the essence of fluidity, employing vibrant hues merging seamlessly to portray the effortless process of transformation—reflecting[...]
This artwork was intuitively crafted using watercolors during meditative sessions, employing two techniques: wet-on-wet and then dry paper applications, resulting in a myriad of effects. The deliberate choice of these methods aimed to capture the essence of fluidity, employing vibrant hues merging seamlessly to portray the effortless process of transformation—reflecting what I perceive as our natural state.

In addition, figurative elements were delicately rendered with colored pencils, maintaining a loose style to harmonize with the watercolor abstraction. Special attention was devoted to accentuating certain features, such as the facial expression and hands, to convey the luminosity of the eyes, the sensitivity of touch, and the enigmatic yet elegant demeanor of the subject.

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Automatisch übersetzt
Embarking on a profound journey of artistic inquiry, the artist delves into the depths of vulnerability, worth, and reality. Their exploration is a lyrical odyssey, weaving together threads of introspection[...]

Embarking on a profound journey of artistic inquiry, the artist delves into the depths of vulnerability, worth, and reality. Their exploration is a lyrical odyssey, weaving together threads of introspection and external observation to uncover the essence of existence.

Drawing inspiration from the ethereal realms of lucid dreams, the quiet introspection of meditation, and the profound insights of psychology, the artist navigates the intricate tapestry of human experience with courage and curiosity. Through this holistic approach, they illuminate the interplay between vulnerability and reality, revealing hidden truths and unveiling the mysteries of self-discovery.

As the artist delves into the exploration of vulnerability and reality, experimentation with materials becomes a fundamental aspect of their artistic philosophy. By pushing the boundaries of traditional techniques and materials, the artist seeks to embody the very essence of vulnerability and reality within their art.

The process of experimentation serves as a metaphorical mirror for the artist's journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Just as vulnerability requires courage and openness to explore unknown territories, so too does experimentation demand a willingness to step into uncharted creative realms.

Furthermore, experimentation fosters a deeper connection to reality by immersing the artist in the tactile and sensory aspects of their craft. By engaging with materials in new and unexpected ways, the artist gains a heightened awareness of the physical world and its interconnectedness with the realm of emotions and perceptions.

Ultimately, experimentation serves as a catalyst for transformation, both artistically and personally. It is through the process of exploration and discovery that the artist uncovers profound truths about themselves and the world around them, leading to a more authentic and enriched understanding of worth and inner truth.

In embracing vulnerability as a sacred path to growth and self-acceptance, the artist invites viewers to journey alongside them, transcending the confines of perception and discovering the boundless beauty and resilience that lie within.

Mehr von Valeria Yscava

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