Woman with a cat (2018) Tablo Valentina Pushkareva tarafından

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Satıcı Valentina Pushkareva

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  1078 px  

1500 px
Dosyanın boyutları (px) 1078x1500
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Artmajeur'daki tüm resimler, sanatçılar tarafından yaratılan orijinal sanat yapıtlarıdır, tüm hakları kesinlikle saklıdır. Bir lisansın edinilmesi, lisansın şartları uyarınca imajı kullanma veya kullanma yetkisine sahiptir. Yeniden çerçeveleme veya resmin bir projeye mükemmel şekilde uyacak şekilde yeniden odaklanması gibi küçük değişiklikler yapmak mümkündür, ancak özgün çalışmaya zarar verebilecek herhangi bir değişiklik yapmak yasaktır. Bütünlüğünde (şekillerin değiştirilmesi, Bozulmalar, kesim, renk değişimi, eleman ilavesi vb.) Sanatçının önceden yazılı bir yetkisi bulunmaması durumunda.

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Sanat resim bankası
  • Orijinal sanat (One Of A Kind) Tablo, Kumaş tarihinde Akrilik
  • boyutlar Yükseklik 23,6in, Genişlik 16,1in
  • Sanat eserinin durumu Eser mükemmel durumda
  • Çerçeveleme Bu resim çerçeveli değil
  • Kategoriler Figüratif Kadın Portreleri
This artwork is magic for me . I was made it in 2018 in a hot batik technique. It was one of my first artworks after a long time . It’s was a symbol of return to batik. Hot batik is a silk painting process where a layer of paint is alternated with a layer of hot wax. The process is laborsome and requires thinking through all the steps before starting[...]
This artwork is magic for me . I was made it in 2018 in a hot batik technique. It was one of my first artworks after a long time . It’s was a symbol of return to batik. Hot batik is a silk painting process where a layer of paint is alternated with a layer of hot wax. The process is laborsome and requires thinking through all the steps before starting the work. I work always with 💯 silk.

İlgili temalar


Otomatik olarak çevrildi
Valentina Pushkareva, an artist from Russia, was born in a small town 200 km from Moscow. Since childhood, she drew and studied music, but at the age of 14 she clearly made her mind to devote her life to art.This[...]

Valentina Pushkareva, an artist from Russia, was born in a small town 200 km from Moscow. Since childhood, she drew and studied music, but at the age of 14 she clearly made her mind to devote her life to art.This decision came with the influence of wonderful teachers whom she met on her life path.

It was a miracle to get acquainted in her childhood with the technique of batik (painting on silk), while living in a small industrial city, which in principle, is quite far from any art.

Then Valentina graduated from the university in the city of Vladimir (the golden ring of Russia), where Tatyana Grebneva, a world-class artist, and a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, taught decorative arts including very advanced training in batik. Meeting Mrs. Grebneva was also a great luck.

In  2008 she moved to St. Petersburg, where for more than 10 years she worked as a textile designer (and even here the main activity was related to fabrics).

At the age of 24 she was admitted to the famous School of Design “Art Future” and studied the course of costume design. The graduation collection made by Valentina was featured in the exhibitions Pret-a-porte Paris (2010) and London (London Graduated Fashion Week 2011)

With the advent of children (2015), she switched to freelance mode in textile design, and returned to painting. She also had to divert her attention from batik that requires a lot of time, elaboration and concentration and started painting watercolor pieces. In watercolor she mostly practices the plots taken from landscapes, from nature itself. 

More than 2 years Valentina was residing in Turkey and that’s where the vibrant and bright colors come from. She admires the natural beauty of this land and tries to share her fascination with other through her works

There are three most prominent directions where Valentina currently excels in:

∙        Watercolor paintings,

∙        batik and

∙        acrylic painting.

Color is very important to her because she believes that color tones convey the emotional message of work

She insists that art should not leave the viewer indifferent, and the task of an artist is to please the audience, to show the endless beauty and triumph of life, the harmony of nature, which is given to us to contemplate, draw the viewer’s attention to everyday little things that we tend to overlook.

She comments: “I want my works to reflect the beauty and brightness of this world, bring joy and remind of how beautiful and diverse this planet is: the feast of life, richness, fullness, and variety.”

Now Valentina works and lives in Germany.

Valentina Pushkareva daha fazla sanat çalışmalarını gör !

Tüm sanat çalışmalarını gör
Kâğıt tarihinde Suluboya | 8,3x10,6 in
Kâğıt tarihinde Suluboya | 11,7x8,3 in
MDF Kurulu tarihinde Akrilik | 7,9x7,9 in
Kâğıt tarihinde Suluboya | 8,3x11 in


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