Diversity of Splendor (2024) Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo autorstwa Truckersrule

Papier artystyczny, 8x8 in

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50,00 USD
Usage: Licencja sieciowa
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  1500 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1500x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Ta praca jest „edycją otwartą” Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo, Drukuj Giclée / Cyfrowy wydruk
  • Wymiary Dostępne w kilku rozmiarach
  • Dostępnych jest kilka rodzajów wsparcia (Papier artystyczny, Drukowanie na metalu, Druk na płótnie)
  • Oprawianie w ramy Dostępne kadrowanie (Pływająca rama + pod szkłem, Rama + Pod szkłem akrylowym)
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Obraz generowany przez AI Artysta stworzył ten obraz wykorzystując technologię sztucznej inteligencji
  • Kategorie Ekspresjonizm Życie codzienne
Diversity Splendor was a no brainer. Dive into the breathtaking splendor of diversity and the incredible wealth of cultural heritage! 🌟✨ This mesmerizing piece of art captures the essence of elegance, strength, and the spirited tradition, all brought to life through its vivid colors and intricate details. Join us in celebrating art that weaves tales[...]
Diversity Splendor was a no brainer. Dive into the breathtaking splendor of diversity and the incredible wealth of cultural heritage! 🌟✨ This mesmerizing piece of art captures the essence of elegance, strength, and the spirited tradition, all brought to life through its vivid colors and intricate details. Join us in celebrating art that weaves tales of unity, grace, and resilience. 🦋🌺🌼 Together, let's honor the masterpieces that bridge tradition and modernity, showcasing the beauty in diversity. #ArtisticExpression #CulturalHeritage #BeautyInDiversity #TraditionAndModernity #VibrantArt #UnityInDiversity #CelebrateArt 🌟🎨🦋

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
All private commission requests reviewed and discussed privately. Please send a DM with short overview of your creation ideas & I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I tinker a lot with ai, a lot[...]

All private commission requests reviewed and discussed privately. Please send a DM with short overview of your creation ideas & I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I tinker a lot with ai, a lot of other creations in folders (20,000), please.. I'm very easy to get along with & I enjoy creating. TY. TruckersRule. 

I haven't received any artistic schooling unfortunately, but upon exploring the ai areas of art and through much trial and errors I've developed a knack for creating prompts that do create some truly different types of creations that have stunned & impressed a great deal of people and businesses. Labeled a Prompt Master, Prompt Illusionist, Prompt Engineer, AI Influencer, Content Creator, Content Contributor, Commercial Contributor.. etc etc from businesses that I practice prompt creating at. 

Many of my prompts are now created with only one single word & I've also learned to use string code to create creations as well with binary coding. Prompt Stacking is also a specialty of mine. That's where my illusionist side appears. When I stack there are creations behind, alongside, some completely visible while others make you look for them, that's where the Illusionist label came from. I'm trying to add short descriptions on each creation to describe the image and process of creating it. My prompts are my secret to the world of one of a kind creations. They're impossible to duplicate unless you know that exact word used or binary or combination of both. Therefore exclusivity.  Only one in the entire world. I pride myself for that fact. No others like it.

 My primary role in life was driving 18-wheelers long-haul. I over worked myself physically which caused enormous issues with mobility. I'm now 100% disabled and enjoying my ability to create art with only my knowledge of words.  

I hope all enjoy my work and can truly appreciate the  exceptional talents of creativity.  

Thank You  so much & as I always say.. Enjoy the Scenery ✌️ TruckersRule. 

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Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo
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Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo
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Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo
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Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo
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