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Georges Dumitresco

Lausanne, Switzerland
Artist (Painting)
Born 1922

Born in Bucharest Romania in 1922 was awarded the National Grand Prize of Bucharest in 1932. As medical Doctor by profession, settled in Switzerland in 1969 and founded Salons de Medecines. His art has been exhibited in Italy, France, Switzerland and Romania. The Romanian and Swiss Post published his paintings on post cards and postal envelopes; his poetry was published in Swiss and Romanian books and media.

Discover contemporary artworks by Georges Dumitresco, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary swiss artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2005 (Country of origin Switzerland). Buy Georges Dumitresco's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Georges Dumitresco. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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