Letter for you (2020) 描画 Tatyana Lukanenko によって

紙のパステル, 11x8.1 in

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The waves of the unconscious (the sea) brought the bottle with its contents to the surface. On this sunny day, "something", long forgotten, revealed itself. This "something" has become closer to the distance of one movement. What is there and for what? I remember Alice in Wonderland, who is looking for a wonderful garden[...]
The waves of the unconscious (the sea) brought the bottle with its contents to the surface. On this sunny day, "something", long forgotten, revealed itself. This "something" has become closer to the distance of one movement. What is there and for what?
I remember Alice in Wonderland, who is looking for a wonderful garden and finds various objects on her way - the causes of the metamorphoses happening to her. The appearance of a wall in her path would hardly have stopped her. On the call of the wall:- "Overcome me!", Alice would have found some artifact. For example, a bottle with the inscription "Letter to you".
It remains to make a choice to read the letter and meet with the contents, or to seal it and let the sea currents loose.
The rising lion on the coat of arms roars in favor of the first option. The image of the rising lion is used in heraldry and means courage and bravery. It is supported by the green color of the glass- movement is allowed and the Ace of Clubs in the form of a stamp on the cork. The ace of Clubs, also known as the ace of pentacles, means - the ring, the beginning, the chance.
The vessel, the lion, the ring, the green color together resemble an alchemical illustration -the Lion devouring the sun. This is an alchemical fermentation process. It is characterized by saturation of the material necessary properties. In psychology, this can mean the acquisition of resources, the return of parts repressed into the unconscious, energy.
In favor of the second option, the wall rises and the opportunity to improve the skills of a bricklayer. Continue to put fears in the masonry - brick by brick.
Alice has a lot of determination, as well as logic, too, she loves cats).
But, there is always a choice.

The work is framed. Frame, double passepartout, glass. Frame dimensions 49x41.5 cm


BottleLetterGreen GlassBrick BackgroundHeraldic Lion

I am an artist, I share my 'imaginative' stories.I've always liked to draw. In different periods, this was manifested in different ways - fantasy, fairy-tale characters, portraits. Now it's[...]

I am an artist, I share my 'imaginative' stories.I've always liked to draw. In different periods, this was manifested in different ways - fantasy, fairy-tale characters, portraits. Now it's realistic graphics. My second hobby is the world of symbols and dreams - exciting myths, fairy tales, new worlds, artifacts and their interrelationships.At the intersection of these two interests, my drawings appear. First there is an image, then it appears on paper. I live it, it is endowed with meanings. At the starting point, I don't always understand what this is about for me. But then the picture begins to unfold. This is similar to analyzing a dream while being in it at the same time. 

I studied at an art school.I have a higher technical and psychological education.

I am a member of the National Pastel Society of Russia from 2020 to the present day

Tatyana Lukanenkoからもっと見る

段ボールのパステル | 15.8x11.8 in
段ボールのパステル | 26.4x18.7 in
段ボールのパステル | 19.7x25.6 in
紙のコンテ | 11.4x8.3 in

