T-Marie Nolan Profile Picture

T-Marie Nolan

Artist (Painting)
Born unknown date
Anguk Galerie nomade

« T-Marie Nolan’s work is alive, expressive, spontaneous and has a large dose of free child running through it...

Her characters pulsate in colorful environments that let the viewer hope, fear and smile.

Nolan is a self-taught artist who currently resides in the basement of an old church building near the Mississippi River in Hannibal, Missouri, USA. The sanctuary now serves as an art studio she shares with her husband.

The artist was born in Connecticut, USA in 1954, the eighth of eleven children.

She spent many years working in libraries in all sorts of capacities: book repair, bookmobile driver, children’s librarian, storyteller, events programmer.

Nolan embraced her lifelong obsession with art and became a full-time artist in the late 1980’s.

Her work is in collections all over the world. »

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Discover contemporary artworks by T-Marie Nolan, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Artist represented by Anguk Galerie nomade. Account type: Artist , member since 2015 (Country of origin United States). Buy T-Marie Nolan's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist T-Marie Nolan. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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