Trompinoscope (2019) Painting by Sylvie Lescan

Oil on Canvas, 16.1x13 in
$273.93   $251.75
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Shipping from: France (Box or cardboard packaging)
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 16.1in, Width 13in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Figurative
Gros plan sur une trompe d'éléphant. Cette peinture en noir et blanc met en relief la forme en spirale de la trompe About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil [...]
Gros plan sur une trompe d'éléphant. Cette peinture en noir et blanc met en relief la forme en spirale de la trompe

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Automatically translated
Born in 1976, Sylvie Lescan is a French painter living and working in France. His work, mainly produced in oil on linen, on canvas, on cardboard and in acrylic on linen, as well[...]

Born in 1976, Sylvie Lescan is a French painter living and working in France. His work, mainly produced in oil on linen, on canvas, on cardboard and in acrylic on linen, as well as in pencil on paper, is distinguished by a meticulous and emotional exploration of portraiture, drawings animal and human form.

A lifelong admirer of animals, Sylvie finds her inspiration in her deep love for wild species, particularly those in danger of extinction. His paintings, mostly in black and white with black backgrounds, are characterized by a sobriety which highlights the emotion and majesty of his subjects. The play of shadows and light, sometimes enhanced with touches of color, transports the viewer into an intimate and touching universe.

Sylvie's technique is extremely meticulous, requiring infinite patience to capture reality with astonishing precision. For her, a successful painting is one which incites admiration of the animal represented, where one can almost feel the texture of its skin, the softness of its fur, and feel its presence as if the animal were going to move from one moment to the next. His goal is to create a connection between the viewer and the animal, through the emotion captured in the eyes of his subjects.

Sylvie Lescan firmly believes that marveling at wildlife is the first step towards raising awareness and preserving all animal species. His artistic and personal commitment to animal protection is reflected in each work, transmitting a powerful message about the beauty and fragility of wildlife.

Recently, his artistic rating was certified by the i-cac, attesting to the growing recognition of his talent and impact in the art world.

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