Whispers of Harmony (2024) Arte digital por Shivkumar S

Arte digital, 24x18 in
826,26 US$
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Vendedor Shivkumar S
Enviado desde: India (Tubo) Se envía dentro de 3 días
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Licencia digital

Esta imagen está disponible para descargar con una licencia

32,56 US$
130,24 US$
271,35 US$
Resolución máxima: 3600 x 5400 px
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Vendedor Shivkumar S

Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 1
A woman's face, painted in a luminous yellow, throws back in joyous song. Though her features remain blank, the energy of her performance vibrates off the canvas. Textured brushstrokes, weave across the canvas, hinting at the contours of her face and the sheer energy of her voice. Swirls of fuchsia and turquoise dance around her head, a visual[...]
A woman's face, painted in a luminous yellow, throws back in joyous song. Though her features remain blank, the energy of her performance vibrates off the canvas. Textured brushstrokes, weave across the canvas, hinting at the contours of her face and the sheer energy of her voice. Swirls of fuchsia and turquoise dance around her head, a visual representation of the melody she unleashes. The background pulsates with abstract textures, echoing the rhythm of her song. This isn't just a portrait; it's a portal into the raw, unfiltered emotion of singing, a celebration of pure, unbridled joy expressed through color and texture.

Temas relacionados

Singing LadyGirlSongMelodySoulful Singing

Traducido automáticamente
Shivkumar S, is an Entrepreneur turned artist with an impressive journey. A post graduate of the prestigious IDC at IIT Bombay, he traded the sharp lines of design for the flowing hues of watercolors.  His[...]

Shivkumar S, is an Entrepreneur turned artist with an impressive journey. A post graduate of the prestigious IDC at IIT Bombay, he traded the sharp lines of design for the flowing hues of watercolors. 

His journey began with a deep love for watercolors, a medium that honed his understanding of color and expression. Enthralled by the possibilities of digital media, Shivkumar has masterfully explored its rich textures and vibrant colors, producing stunning artworks that captivate audiences worldwide. His talent has been showcased in numerous national and international art exhibitions, earning him a dedicated following among art enthusiasts.  His creative prowess, nurtured over the years, is evident in every piece he creates.

His influence transcends the confines of galleries. Through the Karam Korpom Foundation, which he co-founded with his wife Uma, Shivkumar has transformed over 150,000 square feet of public walls into breathtaking art spaces. A highly sought-after art coach, he conducts workshops, igniting the artistic spark in countless individuals.

Shivkumar isn't just painting pictures; he's painting a movement. He's a testament to the boundless power of artistic expression, a visionary who uses his talents to inspire and transform.

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Arte digital | 18x24 in
826,26 US$
Arte digital | 24x18 in
826,26 US$
Arte digital | 18x24 in
826,26 US$
Arte digital | 24x18 in
826,26 US$


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