The Children of Smokers Have More Probabilities to Start... (2021) Pintura por Shiritaki

Gouache en Lienzo, 31,5x25,6 in
3.362,18 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Vendedor Shiritaki
Enviado desde: España (Embalaje de caja o cartón) Se envía dentro de 2 días
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Devoluciones gratis
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  • Plazos de tiempo Entrega mundial de 3 a 7 días (Estimar)
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Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
“The children of smokers have more probabilities to start smoking” One of my ultimate favorite pieces that I’ve created throughout the entire artistic journey. One day I was asked by my friend whether I want some of his empty cigarette packages for any future designs. Of course I said yes. Only then, I noticed the small blonde boy on the warning[...]
“The children of smokers have more probabilities to start smoking”
One of my ultimate favorite pieces that I’ve created throughout the entire artistic journey. One day I was asked by my friend whether I want some of his empty cigarette packages for any future designs. Of course I said yes. Only then, I noticed the small blonde boy on the warning sign with a minimalistic heading on top: “Fumar mata” (Smoking kills). The boy was then sketched on the canvas with his blue signature shirt. He was handed a cigarette and to his regret, the skin around his rib cage was taken away. At the end, I glued the carton pieces of cigarette packages on the canvas.

Temas relacionados

SurrealismDark ArtPsychological ArtPsychedelelic ArtDream

Traducido automáticamente
Hello, my name is Margarita aka shiritaki. I am an artist that specializes in surrealism and psychological art. In my paintings, I aim to evoke strong feelings from the audience, inviting viewers to discover[...]

Hello, my name is Margarita aka shiritaki. I am an artist that specializes in surrealism and psychological art. In my paintings, I aim to evoke strong feelings from the audience, inviting viewers to discover a piece of themselves within my creations. My style, with its dreamlike yet thought-provoking allure, allows me to deeply dive into the human psyche. I strongly believe that art should touch a soul, not just the eyes. My ultimate objective is to create pieces that resonate with human experience, establishing a strong connection between my art and others. In my perspective, art emerges as a universal language that binds our diverse experiences into a harmonious symphony. 

In my traditional paintings I utilise gouache, acrylics, ink, markers, canvas or paper. In my digital art I use software such as Procreate and Photoshop.

Ver más de Shiritaki

Ver todas las obras
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