Luxury (being yourself) (2021) Картина - Sasha Snegir


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Продавец Sasha Snegir

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32,57 $
130,26 $
271,38 $
Максимальное разрешение: 2983 x 2958 px
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Продавец Sasha Snegir

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Льняной холст
  • Размеры Высота 11,8in, Ширина 11,8in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 500 $ Символизм Женские портреты
It's a huge luxury when you don't have to explain anything to anyone. /Katherine Mansfield/ A moment of self-expression, expression, passion. My luxury isn't to have to explain myself. Self-expression. To try, to overcome fears. To allow myself to be.. Myself. Here & now. The depth is to keep a special[...]
It's a huge luxury when you don't have to explain anything to anyone.
/Katherine Mansfield/

A moment of self-expression, expression, passion. My luxury isn't to have to explain myself. Self-expression. To try, to overcome fears. To allow myself to be.. Myself. Here & now.
The depth is to keep a special state of wholeness inside, in spite of the surrounding reality.

Feel the power, the inspiration, the captivating beauty!

Связанные темы


Artist-energy practitioner, adept of Love, was born in Minsk. Sasha studies the phenomenon of Unconditional Love as the core of our Universe, as the basis of interaction of all living beings and the source[...]

Artist-energy practitioner, adept of Love, was born in Minsk.

Sasha studies the phenomenon of Unconditional Love as the core of our Universe, as the basis of interaction of all living beings and the source of everything - all religions, feelings and relationships.

Sasha works in the author's style of immersive olfactory painting FRAIMM ART. Main media: oil, natural stones, essential oils.

Since childhood Sasha has been expressing her passion to "speak to the world" through calligraphy, lettering, illustrations, poetry and prose, later she began to visualize emotions and feelings in graphics and photography.From a young age she has studied energy practices and various spiritual faiths, psychological and mystical sciences, has various esoteric initiations and experiences, and possesses many relevant skills and tools.

Trained in private workshops and schools, does a lot of self-education.

Since 2017 she has been engaged in self-sufficient versatile professional creative activity: ceramist, wall art, painter, digital illustrator, calligrapher, teaches privately.

Active participant of exhibitions and festivals, various art projects and competitions, co-organizer of creative events, cooperates with famous brands.

Since 2024 - art curator.

Sasha draw her inspiration from people, feel the attractiveness and beauty in everything: in faces and images, feelings and emotions, in manifestations of sexuality and attachments, in motivation and psychology, in life and in the environment, in signs and symbols, in fears and joys. She see and feel energy, value and beauty in every soul, in every moment of life, and strive to awaken this feeling in others.

Sasha an empath and literally feel and let the whole world pass through me, so she is fascinated by exploring its versatility and manifestation through love and energy.She strive to awaken the consciousness of others and reflect the depth of her worldviews, find a way to hearts from the own art language.

Sasha create energetically filled, deep, sensual amulets in the form of paintings, add to canvases natural stones, various signs and symbols, lace, etc., select all this with a certain idea and meaning and also create for each painting a unique fragrance-dress (perfumes from natural essential oils). Thus, her viewers not only perceive the work visually, but also immerse themselves in the atmosphere of emotions and in the mood created by the harmony of smells and color-shadow solutions, and by touching three-dimensional strokes and natural stones that are chosen with meaning, they get the effect of complete immersion in the state that inspired author to a particular plot. Sasha initiate a kind of dialogue with the viewer, or rather with his various senses and ways of perceiving info.

Sasha looking for opportunities in these difficult transformational times through art to remind the world of the versatility, depth, wisdom and power of Love.

Смотреть ещё Sasha Snegir

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Карандаш на Бумага | 7,9x7,9 in
225,87 $
Масло на Льняной холст | 15,8x15,8 in
631,11 $
Масло на Льняной холст | 15,8x15,8 in
631,11 $
Пигменты на Льняной холст | 11,8x15,8 in
447,31 $


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