'Sublime' (2024) Pintura por Sapphire Sk

Oleo en Lienzo, 36x36 in
2.625 US$
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Vendedor Sapphire Sk
Opiniones de clientes (6)
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Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 1
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 36in, Anchura 36in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Abstracto Vistoso
When we sacrifice our own happiness for the benefit of others, we not only impress those around us, but also God. Sublime, a young woman of integrity, whose life demanded huge personal sacrifices, and she not only met those criteria, but was also offered a life extension as a reward when disaster struck. This work focuses on women's[...]
When we sacrifice our own happiness for the benefit of others, we not only impress those around us, but also God.
Sublime, a young woman of integrity, whose life demanded huge personal sacrifices, and she not only met those criteria, but was also offered a life extension as a reward when disaster struck.
This work focuses on women's inner strength, which is often underestimated. When confronted with life's challenges, a physically weaker creation does not inevitably suffer. Women often face discrimination in society due to their perceived mental inferiority, yet God's creation remains flawless; did God make a mistake? No, He did not!

The color palette and the entire creative process strive for a balance of tranquility and excitement by incorporating cool gray-blue against a warmer backdrop.
The subtle creative glazes, the brushwork expressing varied textures, the forms and letters, and the uncluttered space all contribute to a strong visual interest and a sense of calm.

This is a durable, high-quality archival, acid-free 350 gsm cotton canvas with two additional oil-ground layers.
Top-notch oil paints that meet ASTM's excellent lightfastness standards were carefully selected for my works of art.
Thanks for viewing!

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Sapphire SK is a contemporary Pakistani-born painter currently engaged in full-time painting from her home studio in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. She has been pursuing her painting passion for many years & presently[...]

Sapphire SK is a contemporary Pakistani-born painter currently engaged in full-time painting from her home studio in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. She has been pursuing her painting passion for many years & presently leaping to a career in art. 

As well as being a professional artist educated to a bachelor's level, she is also a qualified interior designer. She also undertook private lessons from a well-known local artist throughout the completion of her degree in Fine Art. 

The colours, drawings, forms, and movement all influence the progression of her work. Her artworks are based on transitory thoughts, images, and experiences. The trickiest gestural abstraction piques her curiosity and challenges her the most, as she takes a leap of faith and gradually develops a concept into a finished work. Traditionally trained in a number of adaptable mediums, her favorite is oil, and she uses a variety of brushwork, impasto, and thin glazes in her strong and loose brushstrokes to communicate visually with hints rather than trying to express everything in precise detail. Sapphire has developed an abstract expressionist style throughout the years and finds it incredibly captivating. The art of color mixing, distinctive mark creating, and paint manipulation was learnt through experience and perseverance.

Her nature-themed artworks are strong, transporting us back to the natural world and away from concrete and steel. She attempts to get closer to the truer and purer kind of creativity by harnessing her instinctive and obvious desire to represent a concept.

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