Rétro : Diana sur la chasse (1983) Escultura por Robert Rachel

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Vendedor Robert Rachel

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  • Obra de arte original Escultura, Madera
  • Dimensiones Altura 11in, Anchura 3,9in
  • apto para exteriores? No, Esta obra de arte no se puede exhibir al aire libre.
  • Categorías Clasicismo
Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Madera Técnica de escultura con madera, material natural de origen vegetal.[...]

Temas relacionados

DianaFemmeFemme Sur BoisWomanWood Classical Sculpture

About myself... I warmly welcome dear Internet surfers to my website devoted to my passions : paintings and carving in wood. Since my childhood I have focused my interest on plastic arts. The force,[...]

About myself...

I warmly welcome dear Internet surfers to my website devoted to my passions : paintings and carving in wood. Since my childhood I have focused my interest on plastic arts. The force, I was not aware of, made me create human and animal clay figures, numerous drawings and my early kindergarten paintings through which I "communicated" with the people around me. This drive has always been inside me. I became conscious of my creative power - fortunately for me and the people around . The craving for love ,beauty, harmony, creation, peace, communication between human, etc,..etc, has been expressed in one sentence : the desires have been accumulated and the art has brought me the fulfilment. I am polish but currently I live and performs artistic works in the Netherlands.
Currently I make portraits on order from the photos sent by clients (technique of dry pastels), please feel free to contact me

I cordially greet You, Robert.

Ver más de Robert Rachel

Ver todas las obras
Pastel en Papel | 19,7x27,6 in
171,9 US$
Pastel en Papel | 31,5x23,6 in
308,51 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pastel en Papel | 27,6x23,6 in
171,9 US$
Carteles disponibles
Escultura - Madera


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