Let the red poppies dance (2022) Pintura por Richard Ward

Acrílico en Lienzo, 19,7x15,8 in
505,44 US$
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Papel de bellas artes, 10x8 in

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32,86 US$
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  1238 px  

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Let the red poppies dance is a dedication for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The title is from a line in the song "Green fields of France", sung by the fureys. The military figures are outlines on bare canvas, giving them the image of spirits on the poppy fields. Wash and line[...]
Let the red poppies dance is a dedication for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

The title is from a line in the song "Green fields of France", sung by the fureys.

The military figures are outlines on bare canvas, giving them the image of spirits on the poppy fields.

Wash and line technique were used for painting poppies, with ink and water colours inspired by the artwork of Yuko Kurihara

The final coat of Gouache used to enhance the tint of the flowers

The background is painted in the style of Pierre Soulages, who was famous for his use of black paint.
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It was always my dream to wake up each day, not having the dread of strolling through the minefield, of my work. The consistent stress and pressure creating a crisis, in my mental health. Prior to 2020,[...]

It was always my dream to wake up each day, not having the dread of strolling through the minefield, of my work. The consistent stress and pressure creating a crisis, in my mental health.

Prior to 2020, I worked in a number of roles. my early life serving in H M Forces, as a gunner in the Royal Artillery. In later years I gained an honours degree in business administration and marketing, followed by many years working in the financial services industry. 

In 2020, I decided to escape the shackles of the corporate rat race and finally pursue my dream of becoming a full-time artist.

Although previously I had drawn and painted from an early age, with having no formal training or qualification in art, I spent countless hours practicing my technique, using different mediums and techniques. In 2024 I completed and passed a full time Foundation diploma in Art and Design, which introduced me to using recycled plastic as an alternative to traditional mediums.

My core belief being it is the most important quality, of having a love and passion for art and the pleasure it gives to an individual, "what may be rubbish to an art collector may be priceless to someone else" 

I support the rationale of this argument using the example of art by Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973) with his cubist art whereby, objects are analysed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form, instead of depicting objects from a single viewpoint. The artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context. Whereby some would criticize the work, cubism has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century. 

My philosophy is that all in their lifetime, should create and share one piece of art however bad to the world. In doing so, even if only one soul is uplifted and inspired, it too then becomes a masterpiece.

Inspiration by the work of Vincent Van Gogh (1853 to 1890). 

In his life, he was considered a mad man and a failure, and his work was not commercially successful. He struggled with severe depression and poverty, which eventually led to him committing suicide at age thirty-seven. Sadly, he didn't have access to the help I received, which had it been so, he may have lived to witness how great his work was.

An artistic journey is like an Oak tree it has many branches and shoots.

Other branches of my journey include

Pierre Soulages (1919 to 2022) using only black, to capture the light.

Modern Japanese artist, Yuko Kurihara (1976 to present) her focus on pinpointing bright colours.

Mbogheni Buthelezi whose use of recycled plastic inspired me to use this technique in my own artworks

As of yet there are many branches to clamber on my climb up the tree, I hope we meet on that journey.

Ver más de Richard Ward

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Acrílico en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in
466,56 US$
Carteles disponibles
Gouache en Papel | 11,4x15,8 in
234,62 US$
Carteles disponibles
Acrílico en Tablero de MDF | 15,8x12 in
390,14 US$
Carteles disponibles
Gouache en Papel | 15,8x11,4 in
234,62 US$
Carteles disponibles


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