Havana mood (2018) Pintura por Pierre-Antoine Lépine


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Vendedor Pierre-Antoine Lépine

Licencia digital

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32,56 US$
130,25 US$
271,35 US$
Resolución máxima: 2502 x 2824 px
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Vendedor Pierre-Antoine Lépine

  • Obra de arte original Pintura, Oleo
  • Dimensiones Dimensiones disponibles bajo pedido
  • Categorías Abstracto
vue de la Havane à Cuba, panorama of la Havana Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta por pigmentos unidos[...]
vue de la Havane à Cuba, panorama of la Havana

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it's toward the age of 16 that he reached the shore of painting which opened a book of full adventures that remained open eversinceand which offered an everchanging playground. What a pleasure to[...]

it's toward the age of 16 that he reached the shore of painting which opened a book of full adventures that remained open eversinceand which offered an everchanging playground.
What a pleasure to greedily squeeze on the paint tubes, to invite space, light, colour, rythm...This aesthetic research already marks out the family history with amazing encountersand artistic exchanges.It leaves sometimes unaccomplished and thwarted sensibilities.Pierre Antoine Lépine really like to keep an eye on what is being done elsewhere and in various fields. Its an important source of inspiration and a compulsory confrontation
if you want more informations, click on price list, then on picture id and ask your question. C'est vers l'âge de 16 ans que l'artiste commence son chemin pictural. Ses sources d'inspiration sont les paysages et les jeux formels avec la matière. C'est toujours une gourmandise de presser les tubes et de jouer avec cet alphabet géométrique et pictural. Bonne découverte à toutes et à tous.

Ver más de Pierre-Antoine Lépine

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Bajo pedido
Pintura | 16,5x20,5 in
303,35 US$
Oleo en Tablero de MDF | 3,9x3,9 in
Bajo pedido
Bajo pedido


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