Sur l'épaule des géants 2 (2013) Painting by Philippe Manson

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 18.1x21.7 in
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Seller Philippe Manson

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 10 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 18.1in, Width 21.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Abstract Landscape
Entre figuratif et abstrait, Ciel d'orage ou de brumes et éclatement de couleurs. Chaque toile est accompagnée d'un livret comportant l'ensemble de la série "Nous sommes comme des nains assis sur des épaules de géants. Si nous voyons plus de choses et plus lointaines qu’eux, ce n’est pas à cause de la perspicacité de[...]
Entre figuratif et abstrait, Ciel d'orage ou de brumes et éclatement de couleurs. Chaque toile est accompagnée d'un livret comportant l'ensemble de la série

"Nous sommes comme des nains assis sur des épaules de géants. Si nous voyons plus de choses et plus lointaines qu’eux, ce n’est pas à cause de la perspicacité de notre vue, ni de notre grandeur, c’est parce que nous sommes élevés par eux."
Jean de Salisbury

Between figurative and abstract, Stormy sky or mist and burst of colors. Each painting is accompanied by a booklet comprising the entire series

"We are like dwarves sitting on the shoulders of giants. If we see more things and more distant than them, it is not because of the insight of our sight, nor of our greatness, it is because we are brought up by them. "
Jean de Salisbury

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Philippe Manson, a contemporary French painter, has carved a distinctive artistic path defined by two distinct periods, each marked by unique styles and techniques. Born into the[...]

Philippe Manson, a contemporary French painter, has carved a distinctive artistic path defined by two distinct periods, each marked by unique styles and techniques. Born into the realm of surrealism, his first period, spanning from 1978 to 1991, witnessed the creation of oil paintings infused with figurative inspiration. In this phase, Manson's canvases served as surreal landscapes, capturing the essence of his imaginative vision.

A pivotal shift occurred in 2011, heralding Manson's second period. This chapter unfolded with acrylic paintings characterized by a realist style, showcasing his evolution as an artist. The transition from the surreal to the real marked not only a change in technique but also a shift in Manson's artistic expression.

Manson's creative journey is a testament to the duality of his artistic exploration—two periods, two techniques (oil and acrylic), and two styles (surrealist and realist). Yet, a common thread runs through his work, driven by the inspiration derived from his travels and a persistent search for new horizons.

The underlying motivation for Manson's artistic endeavors lies in the pursuit of capturing the emotional essence of fleeting moments, memories, promising dawns, and late evening reveries. His thematic focus often centers on the concept of departure and the perpetual search for something beyond the present.

Manson's paintings, whether in oil or acrylic, consistently reflect his meticulous technique. Preferring flat areas, he begins with background layers that gradually evolve into a complex interplay of opaque and translucent elements. Each successive layer contributes to the creation of fluid gradients and transparencies, a meticulous process that belies the apparent simplicity of the final composition.

Street furniture elements, such as fire hydrants, street lamps, and panels, become tangible representations of memories, serving as anchors for Manson's exploration of abstraction. His abstract creations, though relatively recent, stand as experimental "essays," a testament to his ongoing research and the influence of new discoveries.

Philippe Manson's artistic journey, marked by a fusion of surrealism, realism, and abstraction, reveals a profound commitment to emotion and memory. His ability to manipulate layers and contrast within his compositions imparts an ethereal quality, leaving viewers immersed in the unreality of his visual narratives. As he continues to push the boundaries of his creative expression, Manson remains a dynamic force in the contemporary French art scene.

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