Réserve directe (2020) Drawing by Philippe Alliet

Ink on Paper, 11.8x15.8 in
Price: Free Shipping

Customer's reviews (122)
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This print is available in several sizes.

Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Philippe Alliet

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Cardboard
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11.8in, Width 15.8in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Drawings under $500 Figurative
Comment devient-on peintre ? Pour moi, cela a commencé vers l'âge de 11-12 ans avec la volonté de reproduire des personnage de bande dessinée : Mickey, Astérix...etc...Suivent des apprentissages techniques personnels qui permettent de progresser dans la représentation fidèle , exacte...Lorsque l'on passe beaucoup plus tard à l'abstraction[...]
Comment devient-on peintre ? Pour moi, cela a commencé vers l'âge de 11-12 ans avec la volonté de reproduire des personnage de bande dessinée : Mickey, Astérix...etc...Suivent des apprentissages techniques personnels qui permettent de progresser dans la représentation fidèle , exacte...Lorsque l'on passe beaucoup plus tard à l'abstraction voire à l'art conceptuel , il est courant d'abandonner ce savoir faire....Ce ne fut pas mon cas ; la figuration n'est pas une absence de choix mais au contraire une volonté délibérée de cultiver d'autres formes, d'explorer d'autres espaces...

How I become a painter? For me, it started around the age of 11-12 years with the desire to reproduce comic book characters: Mickey, Asterix ... etc ... Personal technical learning followed which allowed to progress in faithful representation... When I move much later to abstraction or even conceptual art, it would be common to abandon this know-how .... I don't. For me figuration is not an absence of choice but on the contrary a deliberate desire to cultivate other forms, to explore other spaces ...

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Automatically translated
Philippe Alliet is a multidisciplinary artist (painting, drawing, photography, etc.). His work explores abstraction but not only. It is with his tools that he creates rhythmic and random works.

Philippe Alliet is a multidisciplinary artist (painting, drawing, photography, etc.). His work explores abstraction but not only. It is with his tools that he creates rhythmic and random works.

Addressing particularly the themes of abstraction in painting, but also nudes, representations of animals..., his work is distinguished by a new and visionary lighting.

Philippe Alliet was born on February 20 in Granville (France). He has a CNED plastic arts license obtained in Paris I. His works have been presented in numerous personal and collective exhibitions: (Subtle dialogue in Granville in 2021, Salon AEN Bayeux in 2021, "Limpidités" in Rouen in 2013…)

See more from Philippe Alliet

View all artworks
Oil on Canvas | 15.8x31.5 in
On Request
Ink on Paper | 15.8x11.8 in
Pencil on Paper | 11.7x16.5 in
Pencil on Paper | 16.5x11.7 in


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